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- Rails 3.1
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Ember Part 2
Here we continue our look into Ember.js. First we add a JSON API to persist the entries through ember-data. Then we finish up the project by adding a computed property and a view object.
(14 minutes)
Ember Part 1
Ember.js is a javascript framework for making rich client-side applications. In the first part of this two part series I show how to setup templates, controllers, and routes.
(15 minutes)
Activity Feed from Scratch
Creating an activity feed presents some interesting challenges. Here I share my thought process behind my implementation including when to use callbacks and a few tricks with partials.
(14 minutes)
Dynamic Forms
Learn how to add fields to a form dynamically using another form, complete with custom field types. It's fieldception!
(14 minutes)
Action View Walkthrough
Find out exactly what Rails is doing under the hood when it renders a view template for a response. What object context handles the template? How does the lookup process work? That and more covered in this code walkthrough.
(15 minutes)
Uploading to Amazon S3
Here I show how to upload files directly to Amazon S3 using CarrierWave Direct and Fog. I then walk through another project which uses jQuery File Upload to handle multiple files and does not use CarrierWave.
(14 minutes)
jQuery File Upload
Here you will learn how to upload multiple files over ajax using jQuery File Upload. I start with the basic functionality and customize it to fit the user interface.
(13 minutes)
Template Handlers
Here I will demonstrate creating two template handlers. One for Ruby which is great for JSON or CSV formats. Another for interpreting Markdown which is useful for informational content.
(12 minutes)
Extending Refinery CMS
Here I continue on Refinery and show how to add database-backed content by generating an engine. You will also learn how to override Refinery's views and controllers in this episode.
(14 minutes)
A/B Testing with Split
Split testing allows you to experiment with different designs and track conversions to determine which one is the most effective. Learn how to do A/B testing using Split in this episode.
(10 minutes)