In Rails 4.x, you can use has_secure_password to simplify the implementation. Checkout these articles, Authentication from Scratch : Register Feature and Login and Logout
You would provide different data set to test different search possibilities. For instance, provide keywords and check if it returns the expected products.
If you need to upgrade your Rails apps to 4.2.4, you need to know how to use the activeresource gem that is now outside the Rails framework. In ActiveResource Basics using Rails 4.2.4 article, I cover the basics of getting a simple book application to talk to an inventory application using activeresource gem.
If you only run a single server, you have to use a third-party service to monitor your server. Because if your server goes down, Monit will go down with it.
I developed a wizard using Angular JS. It is extremely simple and requires less code. It allows users to go back and change previous values. It's on github:
x-tmpl is a dead project. This episode would have been better without using that template language. I would rather use jQuery file upload plugin with HTML5 and CarrierWave to implement the multiple file uploads with progress bar.
This is difficult to grasp when we don't know the big picture. Diagrams are required to introduce the concepts before jumping into code. Also including specs with the code would be helpful.
This episode covering tagging from scratch has been upgraded to Rails 5. Checkout Tagging from Scratch in Rails 5
This article has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Using Ajax and jQuery in Rails 5 Apps
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Supporting Guest Users in Rails 5 App
In Rails 4.x, you can use has_secure_password to simplify the implementation. Checkout these articles, Authentication from Scratch : Register Feature and Login and Logout
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Import Records from CSV and Excel in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Exporting Records in CSV and Excel Formats in Rails 5
This episode is updated for Rails 5 as a blog post Model Name in URL
You can process Stripe payments in the background, checkout Processing Stripe Payments with a Background Worker in Rails 5
I have written an article on how to use Server Side Events in Rails 5
To learn how to implement autocomplete using Twitter typeahead javascript, elasticsearch with searchkick in Rails 5, check out Autocomplete using Typeahead and Searchkick in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post ActiveModelSerializer Basics in Rails 5
Learn How to Style Forms and Navigation in Twitter Bootstrap 4 with Rails 5 by developing a movies database Rails 5 app part 2.
Learn How to Integrate Twitter Bootstrap 4 with Rails 5 by developing a movies database Rails 5 app.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Full Text Search using ElasticSearch in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Cropping Images using jCrop jQuery plugin in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Fragment Caching in Rails 5
The code for this episode has been updated to Rails 5, you can download it from virta
The code for this episode has been updated to Rails 5, download the code form emu
This episode code is upgraded to Rails 5, check out the source code fb5
The source code for this episode has been updated to Rails 4.2.6. You can download it from cms4
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Factories in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Polymorphic Association in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post PDFs with Prawn in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Rails 5 ActiveRecord and Partials
To get this working in Rails 5, I had to turn off Turbolinks. Checkout the source code on how to get this working in Rails 5.
Read how to get Sortable Lists to work with Rails 5
You were very close to get it working. The cause of this failure is strong parameters. You have to do:
You can also specify which fields you want to allow by doing:
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Rails 5 Extras
This episode code is upgraded to work with Rails 5. Checkout the code with hash 3621d71c558ac16aa0b8e56abcdba1b88ffcb562
This episode has been updated to work with Rails 5 Paypal Basics
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Thinking Sphinx in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post File Uploads using Paperclip in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Going Back in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Helpers Outside Views in Rails 5
The above link is wrong. Here is the correct link Tableless Model in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Tableless Model in Rails 5
This episode is updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Liquid Template in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Semi Static Pages in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Endless Page in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Advanced Search Form in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Tracking Attribute Changes in Rails 5
You would provide different data set to test different search possibilities. For instance, provide keywords and check if it returns the expected products.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Auto-Complete Association in Rails 5
This will also work.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Dynamic Select Menus in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Complex Forms in Rails 5.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Complex Forms in Rails 5.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Complex Forms in Rails 5.
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Integrating Google reCAPTCHA with Rails 5 App
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Custom View Helpers in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Debugging Using ByeBug gem in Rails 5
This episode is updated for Rails 5 as a blog post Model Name in URL
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Handling Exceptions in Rails 5
Testing would make sense if you had business logic. It does not make much sense for generating files.
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Create Model Through Text Field in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Update Through Checkboxes in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Will Paginate in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Console Tricks in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Has Many Through and Has and Belongs to Many in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Catch All Route in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Blocks in View
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Customize Field Error in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Multi Button Form in Rails 5
This has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post. Simple Search Form in Rails 5
This has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post. Custom REST Actions in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Named Routes in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Date Validation Gems in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Time in Text Field in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Customizing Time Format in Rails 5 Apps
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Pretty Page Title in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Group By Month in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. In Groups Of in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Mass Assignment in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Cross Site Scripting in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. SQL Injection in Rails 5 Apps
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Using Rails Foonotes in Rails 5 Apps
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Counter Cache Column in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Eager Loading in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Looping Through Flash in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Has Many Through Checkboxes in Rails 3.x, 4.x and 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Virtual Attributes in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Rails 5 ActiveRecord where, find_by, or and Eager Loading
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Performing Calculations on Models in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Dangers of Model in Rails 5 Session
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Model Tests in Rails 5
This episode has been updated for Rails 5 as a blog post. Refactoring User Name in Rails 5 App
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post. Filtering Sensitive Parameters from Log Files in Rails 5
This has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Layouts and Content For Tag in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Layouts in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 5 as a blog post. Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc in Rails 5
This episode is now updated for Rails 5 as a blog post Chaining ActiveRecord::Relation Methods in Rails 5
This episode has been updated to Rails 4.2 as an article Find Through Association.
The second episode of Railscast is now updated for Rails 4.2.5 as a blog post. Check out the Active Record Basics
This episode has been updated to Rails 4.2.5 Dynamic Attribute Based Finders in Rails 4.2
In Rails 4.2.5, you don't need to do it. You can see the details here Caching Database Results in Rails 4.2.5
Learn how to Create Sprite Images using Compass Rails 3.0.1 Gem in Rails 4.2.5
If you need to upgrade your Rails apps to 4.2.4, you need to know how to use the activeresource gem that is now outside the Rails framework. In ActiveResource Basics using Rails 4.2.4 article, I cover the basics of getting a simple book application to talk to an inventory application using activeresource gem.
Code is upgraded to Rails 4.2.4 and latest draper version :
I have upgraded this episode to use Ruby 2.2.2, Rails 4.2.3 and ActiveMerchant 1.52.0. Here is the source code : Paypal Express
Authentication from Scratch : Register Feature using Rails 4.2.1 and Ruby 2.2.2
I have written an article on integration testing using Capybara and RSpec, check out:Stripe Recurring Billing Part 3
Simple File Upload using Amazon CORS support with progress bar
I have documented How to Install Alpha SSL certificate using Moonshine for Rails 4.1
Mocking a third party API is a very bad practice. However you can replace the mock with stub and raise the exception.
If you only run a single server, you have to use a third-party service to monitor your server. Because if your server goes down, Monit will go down with it.
Here is an excellent article on monitoring : Monitoring and Maintaining Your Server
Thank you. I was able to get it working with Rails 4.
I was able to get it working by following your blog post. I simplified the code a bit:
Syntax Highlighting using Rouge in Rails 4 Check it out:
How to syntax highlight the code? I see class='ruby' in the view code. Where is the CSS?
Simple direct File Upload to Amazon S3 using Javascript, jQuery, Amazon S3 CORS support, Simple Form with progress bar. Designed by me in Silicon Valley and developed by Denny: or Enjoy.
I developed a wizard using Angular JS. It is extremely simple and requires less code. It allows users to go back and change previous values. It's on github:
x-tmpl is a dead project. This episode would have been better without using that template language. I would rather use jQuery file upload plugin with HTML5 and CarrierWave to implement the multiple file uploads with progress bar.
This is difficult to grasp when we don't know the big picture. Diagrams are required to introduce the concepts before jumping into code. Also including specs with the code would be helpful.