I can't tell you how much I look forward to every monday. I am subscribing to your pragmatic screencasts, and I get them as soon as they come out as well. Thank you for the discipline and the excellence that you have defined in your work.
Thanks for the cool screencast on Liquid.Will be looking foward for more screencast in liquid especially on how to use common layouts in liquid templates!
appart from the fact that it might be the only one doing what Liquid does... it is to my knowledge the only templating language being used on a site where the users can change their own look and feel using it (which says a lot about how safe it is).
Thanks for tutorial. I recently wrote <a href="http://emmanueloga.wordpress.com/2008/07/26/liquid-coolness/">a blog post</a> about liquid internals, I hope you guys may find it useful.
I see how you added custom filters, but what about custom tags? I tried creating a file in libs containing
module LiquidTags
class X < Liquid::Tags
but that didn't seem to be the right way to do it. What seems to work is freezing the gem and putting a new file in 'vendor/liquid-x.x.x/lib/liquid/tags'
I don't like doing it that way, but is that the best way to do it?
Hi Ryan,
first of all 'Thank you for these amazing screencasts'!
You asking for alternatives in one of the previous posts. Have you heard from HAML http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/ ? Is it an alternativ to Liquid for you? In my opinion it has some interesting approachs.
It seems this won't work with url helpers? Doing something like posts_path returns "undefined method `default_url_options’" even when including UrlWriter and UrlHelper first. Or maybe I'm missing something.... :/
I was wondering about the bit where you edited the content of the textarea from Safari in Textmate. Do you have a plugin for Safari where you can edit in Textmate?
how do I display a controller validation error on the liquid page once a user submits a form? basically how do i rerender the liquid page with the exception as a variable in the template?
That's pretty cool.
I actually just happened to need the number_to_currency action.
And I was thinking Liquid was all outdated and stuff. Niceness!
Thanks so much for posting this! I'd been looking for something like it for quite sometime. :) You're a hero.
Thanks Ryan, this gives me a head-start for the templating system in a SaaS project.
Hey Ryan, your product names are a little strange! What happened?
@leethal, Liquid is pretty old, but AFAIK it's still the best at what it does. If anyone knows of alternatives I'd love to hear.
@Matthijs, they're just words from the filler text "lorem ipsum". I got tired of thinking up good names. ;)
I can't tell you how much I look forward to every monday. I am subscribing to your pragmatic screencasts, and I get them as soon as they come out as well. Thank you for the discipline and the excellence that you have defined in your work.
Thanks for the cool screencast on Liquid.Will be looking foward for more screencast in liquid especially on how to use common layouts in liquid templates!
Ryan, what about 2 episodes per week? :P
appart from the fact that it might be the only one doing what Liquid does... it is to my knowledge the only templating language being used on a site where the users can change their own look and feel using it (which says a lot about how safe it is).
Thanks for tutorial. I recently wrote <a href="http://emmanueloga.wordpress.com/2008/07/26/liquid-coolness/">a blog post</a> about liquid internals, I hope you guys may find it useful.
I see how you added custom filters, but what about custom tags? I tried creating a file in libs containing
module LiquidTags
class X < Liquid::Tags
but that didn't seem to be the right way to do it. What seems to work is freezing the gem and putting a new file in 'vendor/liquid-x.x.x/lib/liquid/tags'
I don't like doing it that way, but is that the best way to do it?
Hi Ryan,
first of all 'Thank you for these amazing screencasts'!
You asking for alternatives in one of the previous posts. Have you heard from HAML http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/ ? Is it an alternativ to Liquid for you? In my opinion it has some interesting approachs.
I second that #13. I have yet to find anything on how to use liquid tags. Anyone out there that has a clue?
It seems this won't work with url helpers? Doing something like posts_path returns "undefined method `default_url_options’" even when including UrlWriter and UrlHelper first. Or maybe I'm missing something.... :/
Really useful for dipping your toes into the 'liquid' world (sorry)
I've been struggling for about a week with URL generation which is a deal-breaker for most uses. Still no luck yet.
Hi Ryan, thanks for all your screencasts.
I was wondering about the bit where you edited the content of the textarea from Safari in Textmate. Do you have a plugin for Safari where you can edit in Textmate?
For the sake of the future.
How would you go about to enable access to 'params' array, in order to change behavior?
As ever, enjoyed your cast.
Hello everybody,
It is very nice tutorial,
But guys, i spend my 2-3 days to discover how we can render .liquid file on .liquid view. same as we can do in rails partials render method.
please help me.
Does anyone know how I can parse a paperclip object from the model, was trying this, but doesn't work
Have access to the rest of the model, but get this error, when it tries to render the image
Liquid error: undefined method `to_liquid' for #Paperclip::Attachment:0x1183e4e78
Found the solution, add these into the model
liquid_methods :name, :photo, :thumbnail, :panel_thumbnail
def thumbnail
def panel_thumbnail
how do I display a controller validation error on the liquid page once a user submits a form? basically how do i rerender the liquid page with the exception as a variable in the template?
This episode is updated to Rails 5 as a blog post Liquid Template in Rails 5