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GitHub User: sfielder

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how do I display a controller validation error on the liquid page once a user submits a form? basically how do i rerender the liquid page with the exception as a variable in the template?



Just digging into Koala and using it to create feed posts to a page. I can successfully create a post with the below, but struggling to make the update work.

INSERT CODE SNIPPET - Works great and returns post id from fb

@page_graph.put_connections(current_tenant.fbpage_id, 'feed', 
                        :message => @post.caption,
                        :caption => @post.caption,
                        :description => @post.description, 
                        :name => @post.title,
                        :link => url_for(@post),
                        :picture => '2B(1).jpg'

UPDATE CODE SNIPPET - fb returns true, but not reflecting updates on fb page when refreshed

@page_graph.put_object(@post.uid, 'feed', 
                        :message => @post.caption,
                        :caption => @post.caption,
                        :description => @post.description, 
                        :name => @post.title,
                        :link => url_for(@post),
                        :picture => 'h2B(1).jpg'

Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong?

  • thanks