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OAuth with Doorkeeper
Episode #353May 23, 201290 comments

OAuth with Doorkeeper

Doorkeeper makes it easy to create an OAuth 2 provider. This episode also shows how to setup OmniAuth as an OAuth client and use the oauth2 gem to communicate with an API. (19 minutes)
PayPal Recurring Billing
Episode #289Oct 10, 2011142 comments

PayPal Recurring Billing

Here I show how to add PayPal recurring payments to an existing checkout process using PayPal's Express Checkout and the paypal-recurring gem. (24 minutes)
Migrations in Rails 2.1
Episode #107May 16, 200838 comments

Migrations in Rails 2.1

Migrations now have a timestamp as their version number in Rails 2.1. In this episode I will explain this change as well as show you some other cool additions. (4 minutes)
Episode #338Apr 04, 201267 comments


Rails has great internationalization (I18n) support making it easy to translate static text into other languages, but how do we translate database content? Learn how using Globalize 3 in this episode. (5 minutes)
Pretty URLs with FriendlyId
Episode #314Jan 09, 201299 comments

Pretty URLs with FriendlyId

If you are tired of model ids in the URL, overriding to_param can only get you so far. The friendly_id plugin can help by making it easy to generate a URL slug and maintain a history. (7 minutes)
Billing with Stripe
Episode #288Oct 10, 2011125 comments

Billing with Stripe

Stripe is a full-stack payment solution with very reasonable pricing and is easy to setup. See how to add it to a Rails application here. Currently only available in the US. (16 minutes)
Facebook Open Graph
Episode #363Jul 02, 201260 comments

Facebook Open Graph

This episode builds on last week's episodes and shows how to integrate Facebook further through the Open Graph protocol. You will also learn how to tunnel your local server and move Facebook communication into a background process. (11 minutes)
How I Test
Episode #275Jul 18, 2011137 comments

How I Test

Here I show how I would add tests to the password reset feature created in the previous episode. I use RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl, and Guard to make request, model, and mailer specs. (15 minutes)
Active Admin
Episode #284Sep 19, 2011133 comments

Active Admin

Active Admin allows you to quickly build an admin interface with just a few commands. Not only does it look great, but it is very customizable as shown in this episode. (12 minutes)
Episode #336Mar 27, 201276 comments


Copycopter provides a nice interface that clients can use to edit the text in a Rails application. Learn how to deploy a Copycopter server using Heroku and integrate it in a Rails application through I18n. (6 minutes)