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Facebook Graph API
Episode #361Jun 25, 201260 comments

Facebook Graph API

Learn how to use the Facebook Graph API with the Koala gem to fetch data from Facebook and post content through a user. Here I delve into permissions, error handling, and more. (14 minutes)
HABTM Checkboxes (revised)
Episode #17Dec 22, 201194 comments

HABTM Checkboxes (revised)

A many-to-many association can be edited through check boxes in a form. Here I show how to do this with a has_many through association complete with clickable labels. (6 minutes)
SimpleForm (revised)
Episode #234Mar 03, 201262 comments

SimpleForm (revised)

Easily generate complex forms with SimpleForm. Here I show how to convert bulky markup into a concise list of fields, customize it by passing options, and add error handling. (9 minutes)
Extending Refinery CMS
Episode #333Mar 14, 201263 comments

Extending Refinery CMS

Here I continue on Refinery and show how to add database-backed content by generating an engine. You will also learn how to override Refinery's views and controllers in this episode. (14 minutes)
Fragment Caching (revised)
Episode #90Feb 18, 201265 comments

Fragment Caching (revised)

If you need to cache a certain section of a page instead of the entire page, fragment caching is the way to go. Learn how caching is stored, how to create auto expiring caches, and more. (9 minutes)
Compass & CSS Sprites
Episode #334Mar 21, 201257 comments

Compass & CSS Sprites

Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode. (9 minutes)
Search with Sunspot
Episode #278Aug 08, 2011117 comments

Search with Sunspot

Sunspot makes it easy to do full text searching through Solr. Here I show how to search on various attributes and add facets for filtering the search further. (10 minutes)
Simplify Views with Rails 2.0
Episode #80Nov 18, 200760 comments

Simplify Views with Rails 2.0

Rails 2.0 is almost here. One of the many features in this release is the smarter helper methods which can make your views much cleaner. Learn all about it in this Episode. (6 minutes)
OmniAuth Identity
Episode #304Dec 05, 201185 comments

OmniAuth Identity

With the release of OmniAuth 1.0 there is a new Identity strategy which allows users to register/login with a password if they don't want to use an external provider. (11 minutes)
Delayed Job (revised)
Episode #171Jan 07, 201262 comments

Delayed Job (revised)

Long requests should be moved into a background process, and Delayed Job is one of the easiest ways to do this because it works with an Active Record database. (8 minutes)