Displaying flash messages in the layout can be a pain at times. In this episode you will learn an easy way to display any kind of flash message by looping through the hash.
FnordMetric allows you to chart events in real time. This is great for keeping track of user activity in your Rails app as demonstrated in this episode.
(10 minutes)
This episode continues on the Twitter Bootstrap project showing how to display flash messages, add form validations with SimpleForm, customize layout with variables, and switch to using Sass.
(12 minutes)
Page caching is great for speeding up the performance of a page, but what if it contains user-specific content? Learn how to load content in dynamically through JavaScript in this episode.
(7 minutes)
Page caching is an efficient way to cache full content to be served by the front-end web server. Learn how to deal with pagination, expiration with sweepers, and user-specific content in this episode.
(9 minutes)
Here I describe each Rack middleware that is included in a Rails app which will give you a better understanding of what a request goes through behind the scenes before it hits your application.
(14 minutes)