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Deploying to a VPS
Episode #335Mar 21, 2012389 comments

Deploying to a VPS

Deploying a Rails application can be overwhelming because there are so many different options. Here I present a pattern for deploying a Rails app to a VPS using nginx, Unicorn, PostgreSQL, rbenv and more. (18 minutes)
Memcached & Dalli
Episode #380Sep 12, 201283 comments

Memcached & Dalli

Memcached is an excellent cache store, and Dalli is the best way to interact with it through Ruby. Here I show various ways to use Memcached in a Rails app including how to set it up in production. (12 minutes)
Capistrano Recipes
Episode #337Mar 27, 2012138 comments

Capistrano Recipes

Get the most out of Capistrano by writing specific recipes with ERB templates. Here I show how to deploy to a blank VPS by running just a few Capistrano commands. (13 minutes)
Asset Pipeline in Production
Episode #341Apr 11, 201266 comments

Asset Pipeline in Production

The Asset Pipeline is very useful, but it can be a pain in production. Here I show why it works the way it does, and how to customize it to fit your deployment setup. (13 minutes)