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Ember Part 1
Episode #408Mar 04, 2013161 comments

Ember Part 1

Ember.js is a javascript framework for making rich client-side applications. In the first part of this two part series I show how to setup templates, controllers, and routes. (15 minutes)
Routing Walkthrough Part 1
Episode #231Sep 13, 201064 comments

Routing Walkthrough Part 1

How does routing work internally in Rails 3? In this episode I'll walk you through the Rails code that makes routing possible. (13 minutes)
Model Name in URL (revised)
Episode #63Dec 16, 201285 comments

Model Name in URL (revised)

A model's ID in the URL is not very helpful to the user. Consider adding the name which can also improve SEO. Learn how to override to_param, add a slug attribute, and make a catch all route for deep nesting. (9 minutes)
Routing in Rails 3
Episode #203Mar 01, 201035 comments

Routing in Rails 3

Rails 3 sports a new routing interface. In this episode I show how to translate the old interface into the new one and show off a few new features. (13 minutes)
Devise (revised)
Episode #209Jul 06, 201275 comments

Devise (revised)

Devise is one of the most popular authentication plugins for Rails. Here I show how to set it up with a User model and configure the modules, views, routes, and more. (8 minutes)
Custom App Generators (revised)
Episode #148Feb 03, 2013100 comments

Custom App Generators (revised)

Learn how to customize the Rails app generator to fit your preference. This episode shows how to do this using .railsrc file, app templates, app builders, RailsWizard, and AppScrolls. (10 minutes)
Backbone on Rails Part 2
Episode #325Feb 13, 2012104 comments

Backbone on Rails Part 2

In the second part of this two part series on Backbone.js, we finish up the Raffler application. Included is how to create entries through a form, respond to events, extract sub-views, pre-populate records, visit routes, and more. (24 minutes)
Backbone on Rails Part 1
Episode #323Feb 08, 2012207 comments

Backbone on Rails Part 1

In this first part of a two part series you will learn basic Backbone concepts including models, collections, routers, views and events. The backbone-on-rails gem is used for Rails integration with the asset pipeline. (18 minutes)
Subdomains (revised)
Episode #123Jan 13, 201266 comments

Subdomains (revised)

In Rails 3.1 subdomains are easier than ever to use. Here I show how to route a subdomain to a specific controller action, generate links, nest resources, and more. (7 minutes)
Routing Walkthrough Part 2
Episode #232Sep 19, 201037 comments

Routing Walkthrough Part 2

In this episode we continue our look into the Rails 3 router by exploring the Mapper class. (13 minutes)