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Model Caching (revised)
Episode #115May 13, 2013426 comments

Model Caching (revised)

Caching at a low level is a great option when the view is too dynamic to cache and you need something flexible that can work anywhere in the application. Here I show a variety of ways to use Rails.cache with Active Record. (12 minutes)
Episode #382Sep 22, 2012125 comments


There are several gems to help implement tags in a Rails app. Here I show you how to integrate acts-as-taggable-on and then show how to do it from scratch. (11 minutes)
Tree-Based Navigation (revised)
Episode #162Dec 01, 201293 comments

Tree-Based Navigation (revised)

If your Rails app is content-heavy, consider organizing it in a tree menu structure. Here I show how to add top-level tabs, nested links in a side bar, and breadcrumbs to go up the hierarchy. (10 minutes)
Validations in Rails 3
Episode #211Apr 26, 201059 comments

Validations in Rails 3

Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model. (9 minutes)
Migrating to PostgreSQL
Episode #342Apr 17, 2012137 comments

Migrating to PostgreSQL

Postgres is a feature-packed relational database that every Rails developer should consider using. Here you will learn how to install it, add it to a new application, and transition from an existing SQLite app using the "taps" gem. (8 minutes)
Eager Loading (revised)
Episode #22Mar 20, 2013223 comments

Eager Loading (revised)

One way to improve performance is to reduce the number of database queries through eager loading. Here I demonstrate this and compare the difference between the "includes" and "joins" methods. (7 minutes)
Active Record Queries in Rails 3
Episode #202Feb 22, 201071 comments

Active Record Queries in Rails 3

Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes. (10 minutes)
Episode #338Apr 04, 201267 comments


Rails has great internationalization (I18n) support making it easy to translate static text into other languages, but how do we translate database content? Learn how using Globalize 3 in this episode. (5 minutes)
Public Activity
Episode #406Feb 13, 2013155 comments

Public Activity

Learn how to easily add a user activity feed using the public_activity gem. Here I show both the default setup using model callbacks and a manual way to trigger activities. (10 minutes)
Hackers Love Mass Assignment (revised)
Episode #26Mar 08, 201266 comments

Hackers Love Mass Assignment (revised)

One of the most common security issues in a Rails application is the mass-assignment vulnerability which allows a user to set any attribute on the model. Learn how to prevent it in this episode. (6 minutes)