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Backbone on Rails Part 1
Episode #323Feb 08, 2012207 comments

Backbone on Rails Part 1

In this first part of a two part series you will learn basic Backbone concepts including models, collections, routers, views and events. The backbone-on-rails gem is used for Rails integration with the asset pipeline. (18 minutes)
The Rails API Gem
Episode #348May 09, 201274 comments

The Rails API Gem

It is often asked: Is Rails a good fit if I only need to serve an API? In this episode I show how to use the Rails API gem to create a slimmer Rails application designed to respond with JSON. (9 minutes)
MiniTest with Rails
Episode #327Feb 21, 201277 comments

MiniTest with Rails

MiniTest is a fast and lightweight testing library. Here you will learn how to use it in a Rails app for model, helper, and integration testing. The Turn gem is also demonstrated for prettier test output. (15 minutes)
Episode #405Feb 05, 2013243 comments


AngularJS is an awesome framework for easily creating rich, client-side applications. Its powerful bindings allow you to do a lot with very little code. Here I show how to integrate Angular with a Rails app. (16 minutes)
Episode #417Jun 16, 2013333 comments


ZURB's Foundation is a front-end for quickly building applications and prototypes. It is similar to Twitter Bootstrap but uses Sass instead of LESS. Here you will learn the basics of the grid system, navigation, tooltips and more. (11 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1
Episode #225Aug 02, 201061 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1

In the first part of this series on upgrading a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, we'll start off by setting up Rails 3.0 Release Candidate in a clean environment. The rails_upgrade plugin will then help us determine what needs upgrading. (11 minutes)
Pry with Rails
Episode #280Aug 22, 201178 comments

Pry with Rails

Pry is an alternative to IRB and sports many great features. Here I show how to integrate it into a Rails app, and how it can aid in debugging. (8 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2
Episode #226Aug 09, 201048 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2

Here we continue upgrading an application to Rails 3 by getting our specs up and running and going through the rails_upgrade plugin. (12 minutes)
Backbone on Rails Part 2
Episode #325Feb 13, 2012104 comments

Backbone on Rails Part 2

In the second part of this two part series on Backbone.js, we finish up the Raffler application. Included is how to create entries through a form, respond to events, extract sub-views, pre-populate records, visit routes, and more. (24 minutes)
Twitter Bootstrap Basics
Episode #328Feb 28, 2012138 comments

Twitter Bootstrap Basics

Twitter Bootstrap can help make beautiful web apps quickly by providing you with useful CSS and JavaScript. Here you will learn how to include it into Rails with the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem. (10 minutes)