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Applied Filters: authentication xRevised Episodes x
Authentication from Scratch (revised)
Episode #250Feb 25, 2012100 comments

Authentication from Scratch (revised)

Simple password authentication is easy to do with has_secure_password. Here you will learn how to make a complete Sign Up, Log In, and Log Out process as well as restrict access to certain actions. (13 minutes)
Devise and OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #235Jul 13, 2012134 comments

Devise and OmniAuth (revised)

In this episode I build upon a standard Devise setup and show how to add 3rd party authentication using OmniAuth. This includes support for user validations and is compatible with normal password authentication. (10 minutes)
Devise (revised)
Episode #209Jul 06, 201275 comments

Devise (revised)

Devise is one of the most popular authentication plugins for Rails. Here I show how to set it up with a User model and configure the modules, views, routes, and more. (8 minutes)
Simple OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #241Jun 02, 201291 comments

Simple OmniAuth (revised)

OmniAuth makes it easy to do user authentication through a third party provider such as Twitter or Facebook. Learn a simple approach in this episode. (11 minutes)
YAML Configuration (revised)
Episode #85Oct 14, 201298 comments

YAML Configuration (revised)

Keeping passwords and secret tokens in source control is a security risk. Here I show how to move these settings out into a YAML configuration file which can be loaded in as a hash or environment variables. (8 minutes)
Generating RSS Feeds (revised)
Episode #87May 26, 201269 comments

Generating RSS Feeds (revised)

If you have a page containing a dynamic list of records, consider providing an RSS or Atom feed for it. It is quite easy to do with XML Builder and the atom_feed helper method as shown in this episode. (8 minutes)
Sending Email (revised)
Episode #61Apr 28, 201271 comments

Sending Email (revised)

Thanks to Action Mailer, sending email in Rails is easy but there are several gotchas to be aware of. Here I show how to send an email upon submitting a form and the configuration options necessary. (8 minutes)
Factories not Fixtures (revised)
Episode #158Oct 27, 201144 comments

Factories not Fixtures (revised)

Fixtures are external dependencies which can make tests brittle and difficult to read. In this episode I show how to use Factory Girl to generate the needed records directly in the tests. (9 minutes)