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Undo with Paper Trail
Episode #255Feb 28, 201146 comments

Undo with Paper Trail

Undo and redo behavior is easy to add with a versioning gem such as Paper Trail. Learn how to add an undo link to any model's flash message. (13 minutes)
Sending Email (revised)
Episode #61Apr 28, 201271 comments

Sending Email (revised)

Thanks to Action Mailer, sending email in Rails is easy but there are several gotchas to be aware of. Here I show how to send an email upon submitting a form and the configuration options necessary. (8 minutes)
Twitter Integration
Episode #359Jun 15, 201276 comments

Twitter Integration

Here I show how to integrate Twitter into a Rails app. This includes fetching data, caching it, and even how to authenticate as a user signing in to your application through Twitter. (14 minutes)
Securing an API
Episode #352May 23, 201274 comments

Securing an API

There are many approaches to locking down an API. Here I start off with HTTP Basic authentication then move on to generating a unique token which can be passed through a URL parameter or HTTP header. (7 minutes)
Non Active Record Model
Episode #121Aug 04, 200846 comments

Non Active Record Model

This episode will show you how to make a model which isn't based on Active Record. You may want to do this if a resource isn't backed by the database. (12 minutes)
OmniAuth Identity
Episode #304Dec 05, 201185 comments

OmniAuth Identity

With the release of OmniAuth 1.0 there is a new Identity strategy which allows users to register/login with a password if they don't want to use an external provider. (11 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3.2
Episode #318Jan 23, 201252 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3.2

Rails 3.2 sports many new features including automatic explain queries, tagged logging, key-value store in Active Record, improved migration generator and more. Learn all about these new features in this episode. (9 minutes)
Authentication in Rails 3.1
Episode #270Jun 13, 2011138 comments

Authentication in Rails 3.1

Here I show off three new features in Rails 3.1 that will help with authentication: easier HTTP Basic, SecurePassword in the database, and forcing SSL. (7 minutes)
ElasticSearch Part 1
Episode #306Dec 12, 201164 comments

ElasticSearch Part 1

Add full text searching using ElasticSearch and Tire. Here I will show the steps involved in adding this search to an existing application. This is the first part in a two part series. (9 minutes)
ElasticSearch Part 2
Episode #307Dec 12, 201161 comments

ElasticSearch Part 2

This final part on ElasticSearch and Tire will show how to make more complex search queries, customize the indexing, and add facets. (16 minutes)