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Applied Filters: testing xTools x
Episode #264May 02, 201157 comments


Guard watches files and runs a command after a file is modified. This allows you to automatically run tests in the background, restart your development server, reload the browser, and more. (8 minutes)
Episode #377Aug 30, 201271 comments


Trinidad is designed to serve JRuby web applications and gives you the power of Java while still keeping the feel of traditional Rails deployment. Here I show how to setup a Capistrano recipe, configure it, and more. (15 minutes)
Publishing a Gem
Episode #303Nov 28, 201130 comments

Publishing a Gem

In this second part on making a gem, you will learn how to publish a gem by releasing it to rubygems.org, testing it through Travis CI, documenting it on RubyDoc.info, and advertising it on various sites. (11 minutes)
Console Tricks (revised)
Episode #48Jun 09, 201271 comments

Console Tricks (revised)

Here you will learn how to get the most out of the Rails console. I will also demonstrate several utility gems and how to use them without adding them to the Gemfile. (9 minutes)
Facebook Graph API
Episode #361Jun 25, 201260 comments

Facebook Graph API

Learn how to use the Facebook Graph API with the Koala gem to fetch data from Facebook and post content through a user. Here I delve into permissions, error handling, and more. (14 minutes)
Debugging Ruby (revised)
Episode #54Apr 07, 201257 comments

Debugging Ruby (revised)

This episode will show you how to debug a rails app using the "debugger" gem: set a breakpoint, inspect variables and change the executed code at runtime. (7 minutes)
Episode #336Mar 27, 201276 comments


Copycopter provides a nice interface that clients can use to edit the text in a Rails application. Learn how to deploy a Copycopter server using Heroku and integrate it in a Rails application through I18n. (6 minutes)
Bundler (revised)
Episode #201Mar 16, 201258 comments

Bundler (revised)

Bundler makes it easy to manage Ruby Gem dependencies. Learn how to use it in a Rails application, see what's new in Bundler 1.1, convenient ways to run bundle exec, and how to fix gem compilation issues. (9 minutes)
Asset Pipeline in Production
Episode #341Apr 11, 201266 comments

Asset Pipeline in Production

The Asset Pipeline is very useful, but it can be a pain in production. Here I show why it works the way it does, and how to customize it to fit your deployment setup. (13 minutes)
Nginx & Unicorn
Episode #293Oct 24, 201173 comments

Nginx & Unicorn

Nginx and Unicorn make a killer-combo for hosting a Rails application in production. Learn how to configure each in a Vagrant virtual machine in this episode. (19 minutes)