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Applied Filters: rails x
Episode #354May 30, 201269 comments


Squeel provides a comprehensive DSL for writing SQL queries in Ruby. It is built upon Arel giving you access to many of its powerful features. (9 minutes)
More on Twitter Bootstrap
Episode #329Feb 28, 2012117 comments

More on Twitter Bootstrap

This episode continues on the Twitter Bootstrap project showing how to display flash messages, add form validations with SimpleForm, customize layout with variables, and switch to using Sass. (12 minutes)
Time Zones in Rails 2.1
Episode #106May 14, 200846 comments

Time Zones in Rails 2.1

In the past, time zones have been very difficult to work with, but no longer! Rails 2.1 brings with it great time zone support as you can see in this episode. (6 minutes)
OAuth with Doorkeeper
Episode #353May 23, 201290 comments

OAuth with Doorkeeper

Doorkeeper makes it easy to create an OAuth 2 provider. This episode also shows how to setup OmniAuth as an OAuth client and use the oauth2 gem to communicate with an API. (19 minutes)
Facebook Open Graph
Episode #363Jul 02, 201260 comments

Facebook Open Graph

This episode builds on last week's episodes and shows how to integrate Facebook further through the Open Graph protocol. You will also learn how to tunnel your local server and move Facebook communication into a background process. (11 minutes)
Queue Classic
Episode #344Apr 24, 201269 comments

Queue Classic

PostgreSQL can act as a worker queue which can replace the need for a separate process to manage the background jobs. Here you will learn how to do this with the queue_classic gem. (8 minutes)
Pretty URLs with FriendlyId
Episode #314Jan 09, 201299 comments

Pretty URLs with FriendlyId

If you are tired of model ids in the URL, overriding to_param can only get you so far. The friendly_id plugin can help by making it easy to generate a URL slug and maintain a history. (7 minutes)
Episode #281Aug 29, 201143 comments


Foreman can help manage multiple processes that your Rails app depends upon when running in development. It also provides an export command to move them into production. (4 minutes)
Sortable Lists (revised)
Episode #147Oct 13, 2011131 comments

Sortable Lists (revised)

Here I show how to use jQuery UI to make a sortable list and a "sort" action to handle the updating. Top it off with acts_as_list to make it feature complete. (6 minutes)
I18n (revised)
Episode #138Mar 29, 201279 comments

I18n (revised)

Translate a site into other languages through internationalization (I18n). Here I show how to store a locale in the URL and manage translated text through YAML files. (10 minutes)