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Applied Filters: rails x
Model Name in URL (revised)
Episode #63Dec 16, 201285 comments

Model Name in URL (revised)

A model's ID in the URL is not very helpful to the user. Consider adding the name which can also improve SEO. Learn how to override to_param, add a slug attribute, and make a catch all route for deep nesting. (9 minutes)
Activity Feed from Scratch
Episode #407Feb 14, 2013101 comments

Activity Feed from Scratch

Creating an activity feed presents some interesting challenges. Here I share my thought process behind my implementation including when to use callbacks and a few tricks with partials. (14 minutes)
Optimistic Locking (revised)
Episode #59Aug 04, 2012135 comments

Optimistic Locking (revised)

There is a chance one user will unintentionally override someone else's changes if they update a record near the same time. One solution is to use optimistic locking. The updated_at column can also be used for this as shown. (8 minutes)
Rails 2.2 Extras
Episode #140Dec 15, 200845 comments

Rails 2.2 Extras

This episode finishes up the Rails 2.2 series by showing a few miscellaneous additions that I find useful. (4 minutes)
Service Objects
Episode #398Dec 18, 2012114 comments

Service Objects

Models can quickly become a grab-bag of unrelated methods if behavior is constantly being pushed from the controller. Here I show how to refactor this using Concerns and Service Objects. (12 minutes)
Time Zones (revised)
Episode #106Oct 28, 201293 comments

Time Zones (revised)

Active Support makes it easy to work with time zones. Learn how to add a Time Zone select field to a user form and watch out for the gotchas. (7 minutes)
Authentication with Warden
Episode #305Dec 05, 201144 comments

Authentication with Warden

Warden makes it easy to move authentication up into Rack middleware. This means authentication can be accessed outside of a Rails controller such as in routes or in a mountable engine. (12 minutes)
Token Fields (revised)
Episode #258May 05, 2012158 comments

Token Fields (revised)

The Chosen plugin makes it easy to turn a many-to-many select menu into a searchable token field. Then see how the jQuery Tokeninput field can help with AJAX loading and creating new records. (10 minutes)
Autocomplete Search Terms
Episode #399Dec 31, 201290 comments

Autocomplete Search Terms

Learn how to add autocompletion to a search form and improve performance using Rack middleware, caching and switching from SQL to Redis. (17 minutes)
Guest User Record
Episode #393Nov 21, 2012101 comments

Guest User Record

Instead of presenting a sign up form to the user, consider creating a temporary guest record so the user can try out the application without filling in their information up front. They can then become a permanent member afterwards. (9 minutes)