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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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testing x
Fast Tests
A slow test suite can put a damper on test-driven development. In this episode I show a variety of ways to optimize specs including: selective testing, preloading Rails, and testing outside of Rails.
(17 minutes)
Performance Testing
Learn how to add performance tests that automate benchmark and profile reports. Here I show how to find the bottlenecks to optimize a page. I also show how to compile Ruby with gcdata to get information about memory usage.
(16 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS
PhantomJS allows us to test JavaScript without going through a browser window. Here I show how to do this using Capybara and Poltergeist. I also give some tips on handling database transactions and skipping javascript tests.
(10 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine (revised)
The jasminerice gem makes it easy to test your JavaScript with Jasmine in a Rails application. Here I also cover jasmine-jquery and guard-jasmine.
(11 minutes)
A/B Testing with Split
Split testing allows you to experiment with different designs and track conversions to determine which one is the most effective. Learn how to do A/B testing using Split in this episode.
(10 minutes)
How I Test
Here I show how I would add tests to the password reset feature created in the previous episode. I use RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl, and Guard to make request, model, and mailer specs.
(15 minutes)
Testing with VCR
If you ever need to test an application which communicates with an external API, VCR is the way to go. Here I show a workflow in RSpec, how to use with capybara-mechanize, how to add sanitization filtering, and more.
(13 minutes)
Fast Rails Commands
Rails commands, such as generators, migrations, and tests, have a tendency to be slow because they need to load the Rails app each time. Here I show three tools to make this faster: Zeus, Spring, and Commands.
(8 minutes)
Testing Time & Web Requests
It can be difficult to test code that deals with the current time or an external web request. Here I show you how to do both using the Timecop and FakeWeb gems.
(8 minutes)
Site-Wide Announcements (revised)
Here I show how to add an announcement message at the top of every page in the application and allow the user to permanently hide it. This is all done test-first and even includes testing the JavaScript behavior.
(11 minutes)