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Rutger Karlsson's Profile

GitHub User: rutte

Comments by Rutger Karlsson


Why not use the database store in development. Add all translations you want, then export from DB to yaml file which is used in production?


Any ideas on how to use Ryans scheduler with ajax calls to update month instead of the page reload links.


Forgive a newbie. In ryans examples where do you put that code?


I use the JQuery file upload (but just allowing one file to be selected). If the file is just part of a object, say user. So the user can upload a single picture to the user object. I don't want to create a new record when a file is uploaded, simply update a field. How does one accomplish that?


I use the JQuery file upload (but just allowing one file to be selected). If the file is just part of a object, say user. So the user can upload a single picture to the user object. I don't want to create a new record when a file is uploaded, simply update a field. How does one accomplish that?


how does one output a field as a label? I have a user id. A user cannot edit the user id. One way is to set it to disabled, but that doesn't look so nice and gives the impression that it is an editable field.


I switched to us-east-1 and changed AMI accordingly. Guess what, It worked on the first attempt. I tried the eu-west-1 numerous times but always getting stuck at the above. Strange! The only explanation I can think of is that the AMIs aren't identical.

I used:
ami-a29943cb for us-east-1
ami-e1e8d395 for eu-west-1

In the EU setup all servers ended up in eu-west-1a (as there are 1a, 1b, 1c) so that cannot be the issue.


I did, but I don't see my message there !?

msg below:

Hi I have been trying to use the t1.micro image_type on eu-west-1, using the ami-e1e8d395. I can create and bootstrap and even deploy app role servers and db role servers. But unable to even bootstrap the web role server.

It gets stuck while running ./script/rubber config is being run. If I ssh to the server the rvm process is a zombie. If I kill it and run locally I get the same result. Below is what I get when running:
FILTER=web01 cap rubber:booystrap

lots of stuff...
** [out :: web01.foo.com] Resolving deltas: 100% (58/58), done.
command finished in 200394ms
triggering after callbacks for deploy:update_code'
* executing
** No servers for task remove_config_ru, skipping
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cd /mnt/fz-
production/releases/20120508214814 && RUBBER_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=production ./script/rubber config --force --file=\"role/ collectd\"'"
servers: ["web01.foo.com"]
[web01.foo.com] executing command
** [out :: web01.foo.com] Rubber[INFO]: Transforming /mnt/foo- production/releases/20120508214814/config/rubber/role/collectd/
** [out :: web01.foo.com] Rubber[INFO]: Transforming /mnt/foo- production/releases/20120508214814/config/rubber/role/collectd/

How to solve this?


sorry about the t :-)

When using m1.small things work great. But when using t1.micro the web role server fails miserably on bootstrap. Hangs while doing rubber config. Cant't go beyond the transforming collectd.conf. Any ideas?


How to config rubber to utilize the free tier? In rubber.yml it seems you can only choose between m1.small not m1.micro


As I am in Europe! I would like to use eu-west-1. I can't get that to work. If I simply switch to us-east-1 it works. Why is that?


Thanks, great cast, and just in time for me.

When I configure AMI for us-east-1 things seems to work. But if I change the aws: to region: eu-west-1 even the staging fails with a AMI ID '' does not exist. Any ideas how to solve this? Also what shall I specify for time zone instead of US/Eastern


Great cast ryan. Any plans on BrowserCMS?

There is a nice (somewhat oudated) comparsion here


Great cast ryan. Any plans on BrowserCMS?

There is a nice (somewhat oudated) comparsion here


Great cast!

Dosen't work on windows however, as the hiredis gem fails to bundle as the config, compiler and make fails since it cannot find /sys/socket.h.

Anybody tried changing the #include stmt to use winsock.h or winsock2.h???

