It seems that indexing columns doesn´t have any effect when you are ALSO searching against associated tables
From PGSearch :
It is possible to search columns on associated models. Note that if you do this, it will be impossible to speed up searches with database indexes. However, it is supported as a quick way to try out cross-model searching.
Is it possible only to push certain tables when using TAPS. I´m using a MYSQL DB in development, and need to transfer my users table and images table to production, which uses Postgresql.... Any suggestions?
Oh, my production database is on Heroku by the way
Is it possible only to push certain tables when using TAPS. I´m using a MYSQL DB in development, and need to transfer my users table and images table to production, which uses Postgresql.... Any suggestions?
// ## Silent Mode//// Turning silent mode on will disable asking about unsaved changes before leaving the page.
silent: false,
// ## Debug Mode//// Turning debug mode on will log events and other various things (using console.debug if available).debug: false,
// The onload method is provided as a callback in case you want to override default Mercury Editor behavior. It will// be called directly after the Mercury scripts have loaded, but before anything has been initialized. It's a good// place to add or change functionality.onload: function() {
//Mercury.PageEditor.prototype.iframeSrc = function(url) { return '/testing'; }
Mercury.on('ready', function() {
var link = $('#mercury_iframe').contents().find('#edit_link');
Mercury.saveURL ='save-url');
Mercury.on('saved', function() {
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/\/editor\//i, '/');
Thats a very good way, except when validations fail. Then the id of the created OBJECT gets passed to the view, but when the validation fails, the same OBJECT gets deleted in the ROLLBACK process.
Then when you submit the form again, Rails can´t find the object based of the ID that gets passed on from the view...
Does anyone have a solution to this problem... Maybe some kind of after_validation callback?
I followed your video, and got everything working. But now when i run my search through thinking_sphinx the pagination stops working... Any thoughts on that?
Has anyone tried testing this with rspec
maybe this :
remember this in user model
, :omniauth_providers => [:twitter]
It seems that indexing columns doesn´t have any effect when you are ALSO searching against associated tables
From PGSearch :
It is possible to search columns on associated models. Note that if you do this, it will be impossible to speed up searches with database indexes. However, it is supported as a quick way to try out cross-model searching.
Anyone knows about this?
isn´t there a typo in
[200, {"Content-Type" => "appication/json"}, [terms.to_json]]
shouldn´t it be "application/json"
and how come it works anyway?
These are also good on the subject of refactoring
im using spork and simple cov, and simple cov does not seem to cover everything. In my Model it says "No data available"
Any solutions to this :)
I´m getting an Dead::Client error with phantomjs. I think it´s an issue when using fontawesome webfonts. Has anyone a solution to that?
you could also use the figaro gem where you define everything in an yaml file
switched the secret access key and access key.... works
Anybody knows what this error is about?
happens on
cap rubber:create_staging
is this supposed to be filled in
provider: rackspace
rackspace_api_key: 'XXX'
rackspace_username: 'YYY'
image_type: 123
image_id: 123
Hi Scott.
I need to install Libsndfile as a binary instance... How is that done, do you know?
If you use S3 as storage
Is it possible only to push certain tables when using TAPS. I´m using a MYSQL DB in development, and need to transfer my users table and images table to production, which uses Postgresql.... Any suggestions?
Oh, my production database is on Heroku by the way
Is it possible only to push certain tables when using TAPS. I´m using a MYSQL DB in development, and need to transfer my users table and images table to production, which uses Postgresql.... Any suggestions?
The answer lies here
Thats a very good way, except when validations fail. Then the id of the created OBJECT gets passed to the view, but when the validation fails, the same OBJECT gets deleted in the ROLLBACK process.
Then when you submit the form again, Rails can´t find the object based of the ID that gets passed on from the view...
Does anyone have a solution to this problem... Maybe some kind of after_validation callback?
Hi, does anyone know how to use the snippets function?
I haven´t got the cropper module to work with Ryans code, but this works for me
Hello Ryan
Great screencast.
I was wondering, is it possible to use the pjax functionality with a search button instead of a link?
Whem I try I get this
No route matches [GET] "/undefined"
filter_parameter_logging is deprecated in rails 3.1... instead put this in application.rb
config.filter_parameters << :card_number << :card_verification
I was wondering the same thing? I have thinking sphinx on my production server, but i think it takes a lot to always making sure its running...
When I go to the resque interface, i don
How would you recommend installing Redis on Ubuntu server?
I followed your video, and got everything working. But now when i run my search through thinking_sphinx the pagination stops working... Any thoughts on that?