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Applied Filters: AuthLogic x
Episode #160May 04, 2009127 comments


Authentication can get very complex. In this episode I show how Authlogic can handle this complexity while you stay in control of how it is presented to the user. (14 minutes)
OpenID with Authlogic
Episode #170Jul 13, 200972 comments

OpenID with Authlogic

Learn how to apply OpenID to an existing Authlogic setup as I show in this episode. This builds upon the app from episode 160. (11 minutes)
Introducing Devise
Episode #209Apr 12, 2010116 comments

Introducing Devise

Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode. (10 minutes)
Engage with Devise
Episode #233Sep 27, 201041 comments

Engage with Devise

Janrain Engage (aka RPX) makes it easy to support many authentication solutions through their one service. (6 minutes)
Authorization with CanCan
Episode #192Dec 14, 2009114 comments

Authorization with CanCan

CanCan is a simple authorization plugin that offers a lot of flexibility. See how to use it in this episode. (15 minutes)