#233 Engage with Devise
Sep 27, 2010 | 6 minutes | Plugins, Authentication
Janrain Engage (aka RPX) makes it easy to support many authentication solutions through their one service.
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Thanks Ryan. I enjoy your casts very much. Will you be doing any more episode on your Cancan gem where you may demo how one can do a permission check on an object against a subject? Like in the gem ACL9 thanks!
Thanks for this... Will be used :P
wow, so timely. i was just looking into devise today. thank you for this!
Thanks for your screencast on my plugin Devise RPX Connectable, Ryan.
I'm happy that it's one of the easiest ways to get social auth in a Rails 3 app.
I'll consider every patch/pull request/question :).
Thanks a lot Ryan!
Devise seems to be by far *THE* authentication framework nowdays.
Sorry authlogic and clearance but we've switched to devise for all new Rails and Rack apps.
Has anyone else managed to get the displayName or photo to import from Twitter or Facebook? I've altered my devise.rb according to the readme.
Rye >
Engage is free and for any website (including commercial ones) as long as you use it just for authentication purposes.
If you want to get more information from the social networks your users are using, you have to pay for Engage Plus. Engage Plus enables you to get much more information about the social networks. You'll also get the real auth token to directly make API calls to them.
I have a sample app that demonstrates using rpx_now gem to add Janrain Engage without the need to use authlogic or devise.
Check it here: http://github.com/hatem/janrain-engage-demo
I have a sample app that demonstrates using rpx_now gem to add Janrain Engage without the need to use authlogic or devise.
Check it here: http://github.com/hatem/janrain-engage-demo
If anyone has a link to a guide on switching from Authlogic to Devise I'd be very interested in that! Thanks.
Sounds great but what about existing users? I tralla Gould like to integrere this on One of my sites but then existing users Must have some way to link their accounts to, say their facebook login.
And i really hate the iPad spellchecker! :)
How difficult is it to integrate RPX with local logins?
Got it! Apparently this ist a feature of the paid service called "mapping".
Thanks a lot for this screencast, Ryan. Engage is great and can be set up in minutes!
Ka, as I've seen you can keep the underlying Devise users sign up / sign in intact, and offer both kinds of authentication.
We've also to remind that if the users are allowed to sign in with, say, Gmail, and then try to edit their Devise accounts, this can lead to errors if they try to change their email. Anyway as Engage will give you the basic stuff in minutes, you can spend some time later putting everything else in order around it.
that is a good post for me
I really enjoyed this webcast. I'm learning a lot about RoR development daily :)
I recently stumbled upon an alternative to Janrain Engage. A product that is in development from a group called LoginRadius
Noticing that the team didn't have a RoR integration I decided to create my first gem to enable others to leverage their solution in their apps.
Note I am in no way affiliated with LoginRadius!
devise_rpx_connectable doesn't seem to work with latest versions of Rails/Devise.
I am getting this error through signin process "The token URL or xdReceiver has not been whitelisted". I visited their support blog but I didn't find anything useful.does nayone knows how to solve that??
rails g migration add_rpx_to_users rpx_identifier:string
gives an error. It says that there is no such file to load.
After adding the gem 'devise_rpx_connectable', I ran into the same error: 'require': cannot load such file -- devise/schema (LoadError). I got rid of the error by deleting the contents of the corresponding schema.rb and the migration command seemed to work again.
It seems that with the newer version (> 2.1) of devise, the contents of this file aren't necessary. Hope this solves other peoples issues, especially if they decide to update the devise gem and continue to use devise_rpx_connectable like I did.
Nice screencast!
But I am confused. If some user logs in via Twitter,and the later via Facebook, you're stuck with two user accounts.
There must be a way to connect multiple authentication methods to the same user profile. I looked at the mapping thing and even paid for a plus account, but as of yet I don't see a good way to do this.
If the twitter account has a@b.com and the Facebook account has x@y.com, how will the merge safely?
I am thinking of making the users signup via the devise standard method, and then be able to add the other methods later (by authenticating against devise/database) - say, linking their twitter and google and facebook accounts against the devise/database accounts, but that seems less friendly.
Especially if someone is presented with the engage screen, and chooses to authenticate with an account not yet linked to their main account, how will they merge/link? By presenting them with another standard devise/database log in form?
I might be missing the whole point of engage authentication, so if anyone has a good way of doing this, I would be grateful.