There are several gems to help implement tags in a Rails app. Here I show you how to integrate acts-as-taggable-on and then show how to do it from scratch.
Editing one record at a time can be tedious work. Here you will learn three different ways to edit multiple records at once using checkboxes.
(15 minutes)
Polling may not be as common today as pushing changes over an open socket, however it is still an effective, simple solution if you do not need instantaneous updates.
(10 minutes)
Rails 4.0 is still unfinished, but it is shaping up to become a great release. Here I show how to setup a new Rails 4.0 (edge) application and walk through many of its new features.
(20 minutes)
Allow users to import records into the database by uploading a CSV or Excel document. Here I show how to use Roo to parse these files and present a solution for validations.
(10 minutes)