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How I Test
Episode #275Jul 18, 2011137 comments

How I Test

Here I show how I would add tests to the password reset feature created in the previous episode. I use RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl, and Guard to make request, model, and mailer specs. (15 minutes)
Fast Rails Commands
Episode #412Apr 04, 2013179 comments

Fast Rails Commands

Rails commands, such as generators, migrations, and tests, have a tendency to be slow because they need to load the Rails app each time. Here I show three tools to make this faster: Zeus, Spring, and Commands. (8 minutes)
Testing Time & Web Requests
Episode #276Jul 25, 201150 comments

Testing Time & Web Requests

It can be difficult to test code that deals with the current time or an external web request. Here I show you how to do both using the Timecop and FakeWeb gems. (8 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine
Episode #261Apr 11, 201144 comments

Testing JavaScript with Jasmine

Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery. (15 minutes)
A/B Testing with A/Bingo
Episode #214May 17, 201052 comments

A/B Testing with A/Bingo

A/B Testing (or Split Testing) is a way to experiment with variations in an application to see the most effective option. (11 minutes)
Testing Exceptions
Episode #187Nov 09, 200955 comments

Testing Exceptions

Sometimes bad code slips into production and triggers a 500 error. Learn how to be notified of this and resolve it through integration tests. (10 minutes)
Episode #285Sep 26, 201176 comments


Spork improves the loading time of your test suite by starting up your Rails application once in the background. Use it with Guard for the ultimate combo in fast feedback while doing TDD. (9 minutes)
What's New in Rails 4
Episode #400Jan 04, 2013115 comments

What's New in Rails 4

Rails 4.0 is still unfinished, but it is shaping up to become a great release. Here I show how to setup a new Rails 4.0 (edge) application and walk through many of its new features. (20 minutes)
Episode #390Nov 05, 2012114 comments


Turbolinks can make your Rails app feel faster by using JavaScript to replace the page content when clicking a link. It will be default in new Rails 4.0 applications, but here I show how to use it in Rails 3 and mention some of the gotchas. (7 minutes)
Migrating to PostgreSQL
Episode #342Apr 17, 2012137 comments

Migrating to PostgreSQL

Postgres is a feature-packed relational database that every Rails developer should consider using. Here you will learn how to install it, add it to a new application, and transition from an existing SQLite app using the "taps" gem. (8 minutes)