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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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Need multiple user authentication? If so, the restful_authentication plugin is a great way to go. It will generate some basic authentication code for you which is good starting point to your authentication system. Watch this episode for details.
(9 minutes)
Twitter Integration
Here I show how to integrate Twitter into a Rails app. This includes fetching data, caching it, and even how to authenticate as a user signing in to your application through Twitter.
(14 minutes)
Inherited Resources
Inherited Resource simplifies RESTful controllers by providing default actions which can be customized through inheritance.
(9 minutes)
Authentication can get very complex. In this episode I show how Authlogic can handle this complexity while you stay in control of how it is presented to the user.
(14 minutes)
The make_resourceful plugin is a great way to DRY up the 7 RESTful actions common in most controllers. Learn how to use it in this episode.
(6 minutes)