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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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Integrating Active Merchant
In this episode I show how to add Active Merchant's functionality to a Rails application to make a fully-functional checkout process.
(18 minutes)
Active Merchant Basics
Active Merchant is a great library for handling credit card transactions. In this episode I will show you the basics of using it to communicate with PayPal's gateway.
(10 minutes)
PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Express Checkout is easy to add to an existing ordering system. See how in this episode.
(15 minutes)
PayPal Basics
This episode is the first in a series on handling the checkout process for orders. Here we show how to complete purchases through PayPal's Website Payments Standard service.
(7 minutes)
PayPal Notifications
PayPal's IPN (Instant Payment Notification) service allows your app to get confirmation when an order is processed. In this episode I use IPN to mark a cart as purchased.
(10 minutes)