#146 PayPal Express Checkout
PayPal Express Checkout is easy to add to an existing ordering system. See how in this episode.
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- Episode 144: Active Merchant Basics
- Episode 145: Integrating Active Merchant
- PayPal Express with ActiveMerchant Article
- PayPal's Express Checkout Guide PDF
- Full Episode Source Code
script/generate migration add_express_token_to_orders express_token:string express_payer_id:string rake db:migrate
config.after_initialize do ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test paypal_options = { :login => "seller_1229899173_biz_api1.railscasts.com", :password => "FXWU58S7KXFC6HBE", :signature => "AGjv6SW.mTiKxtkm6L9DcSUCUgePAUDQ3L-kTdszkPG8mRfjaRZDYtSu" } ::STANDARD_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalGateway.new(paypal_options) ::EXPRESS_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalExpressGateway.new(paypal_options) end
config.after_initialize do ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test ::STANDARD_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::BogusGateway.new ::EXPRESS_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::BogusGateway.new end
config.after_initialize do ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :production paypal_options = { :login => "seller_1229899173_biz_api1.railscasts.com", :password => "FXWU58S7KXFC6HBE", :signature => "AGjv6SW.mTiKxtkm6L9DcSUCUgePAUDQ3L-kTdszkPG8mRfjaRZDYtSu" } ::STANDARD_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalGateway.new(paypal_options) ::EXPRESS_GATEWAY = ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalExpressGateway.new(paypal_options) end
map.resources :orders, :new => { :express => :get }
def express response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(current_cart.build_order.price_in_cents, :ip => request.remote_ip, :return_url => new_order_url, :cancel_return_url => products_url ) redirect_to EXPRESS_GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(response.token) end def new @order = Order.new(:express_token => params[:token]) end
def purchase response = process_purchase transactions.create!(:action => "purchase", :amount => price_in_cents, :response => response) cart.update_attribute(:purchased_at, Time.now) if response.success? response.success? end def express_token=(token) write_attribute(:express_token, token) if new_record? && !token.blank? details = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.details_for(token) self.express_payer_id = details.payer_id self.first_name = details.params["first_name"] self.last_name = details.params["last_name"] end end private def process_purchase if express_token.blank? STANDARD_GATEWAY.purchase(price_in_cents, credit_card, standard_purchase_options) else EXPRESS_GATEWAY.purchase(price_in_cents, express_purchase_options) end end def standard_purchase_options { :ip => ip_address, :billing_address => { :name => "Ryan Bates", :address1 => "123 Main St.", :city => "New York", :state => "NY", :country => "US", :zip => "10001" } } end def express_purchase_options { :ip => ip_address, :token => express_token, :payer_id => express_payer_id } end def validate_card if express_token.blank? && !credit_card.valid? credit_card.errors.full_messages.each do |message| errors.add_to_base message end end end
<%= link_to image_tag("https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif"), express_new_order_path %>
<% form_for @order do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <% if @order.express_token.blank? %> ... <% else %> <%= f.hidden_field :express_token %> <p>Name: <%=h @order.first_name %> <%=h @order.last_name %></p> <p>TODO Display order confirmation details</p> <% end %> <p><%= f.submit "Complete Order" %></p> <% end %>