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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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Nested Model Form (revised)
Handling multiple models in a single form is easy with accepts_nested_attributes_for. Here you will also learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript.
(11 minutes)
Form Objects
Models have a tendency to become a complex mess as an application grows. In this episode you will learn a couple of techniques to extract form-behavior out into its own class.
(18 minutes)
Nested Model Form Part 1
Handling multiple models in a single form is much easier with the accepts_nested_attributes_for method. See how to use this method to handle nested model fields.
(11 minutes)
Nested Model Form Part 2
Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using either Prototype or jQuery.
(12 minutes)
Dynamic Forms
Learn how to add fields to a form dynamically using another form, complete with custom field types. It's fieldception!
(14 minutes)
OmniAuth Identity
With the release of OmniAuth 1.0 there is a new Identity strategy which allows users to register/login with a password if they don't want to use an external provider.
(11 minutes)
Advanced Search Form (revised)
It is often best to use a GET request when submitting a search form, however if it is an advanced search form with a lot of fields then this may not be ideal. Here I show how to create a search resource to handle this.
(6 minutes)
Validations in Rails 3
Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model.
(9 minutes)
Complex Forms Part 1
Complex forms often lead to complex controllers, but that doesn't have to be the case. In this episode see how you can create multiple models through a single form while keeping the controller clean.
(8 minutes)
Create Model Through Text Field
Let's say you provide a select menu for setting which category a given product belongs to, but you also want the option of creating a new category by typing the name in a text field. See a great way to do that in this episode.
(5 minutes)