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Uploading to Amazon S3
Episode #383Sep 26, 2012182 comments

Uploading to Amazon S3

Here I show how to upload files directly to Amazon S3 using CarrierWave Direct and Fog. I then walk through another project which uses jQuery File Upload to handle multiple files and does not use CarrierWave. (14 minutes)
Dynamic Forms
Episode #403Jan 27, 2013120 comments

Dynamic Forms

Learn how to add fields to a form dynamically using another form, complete with custom field types. It's fieldception! (14 minutes)
Activity Feed from Scratch
Episode #407Feb 14, 2013101 comments

Activity Feed from Scratch

Creating an activity feed presents some interesting challenges. Here I share my thought process behind my implementation including when to use callbacks and a few tricks with partials. (14 minutes)
Extending Refinery CMS
Episode #333Mar 14, 201263 comments

Extending Refinery CMS

Here I continue on Refinery and show how to add database-backed content by generating an engine. You will also learn how to override Refinery's views and controllers in this episode. (14 minutes)