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Three Profiling Tools
Episode #161May 11, 200950 comments

Three Profiling Tools

Ever want to know what Rails is doing under the hood during a request? In this episode I show three different profiling tools: New Relic RPM, FiveRuns TuneUp, and Rack::Bug. (7 minutes)
Making a Gem
Episode #135Nov 10, 200846 comments

Making a Gem

Want to create a Ruby Gem instead of a Rails plugin? In this episode I will walk you through creating a gem to extend Rails. (9 minutes)
Passenger in Development
Episode #122Aug 11, 2008107 comments

Passenger in Development

Tired of juggling multiple Rails apps around with script/server? See how to set up Passenger in development so each one has its own local domain name. (7 minutes)
Request Profiling
Episode #98Mar 24, 200835 comments

Request Profiling

You can use profiling to determine where the performance bottlenecks are in specific Rails actions. Watch this episode for details. (10 minutes)
Analyzing the Production Log
Episode #97Mar 17, 200836 comments

Analyzing the Production Log

In order to improve performance of your Rails application you need to find the bottlenecks. A great starting point is your production log. In this episode you will see how to use RAWK to analyze your log file and determine which controller actions take up the most processing time. (5 minutes)
How to Make a Generator
Episode #58Jul 16, 200739 comments

How to Make a Generator

Rails comes with many built-in generators, but what if you want to customize them or make your own? Rails gives you a great way to do this which you will learn in this episode. (11 minutes)
Cron in Ruby
Episode #164Jun 01, 200970 comments

Cron in Ruby

Cron is great for handling recurring tasks, but it is an external dependency with a crazy syntax. In this episode I show you how to use Whenever to create cron jobs with Ruby. (8 minutes)
Episode #156Apr 06, 200960 comments


If you prefer writing integration tests in ruby instead of Cucumber's plain english, consider interacting with Webrat directly as I show in this episode. (7 minutes)
Factories not Fixtures
Episode #158Apr 20, 200967 comments

Factories not Fixtures

Fixtures are external dependencies which can make tests brittle and difficult to read. In this episode I show a better alternative using factories to generate the needed records. (12 minutes)
More on Cucumber
Episode #159Apr 27, 200957 comments

More on Cucumber

There is a lot more to Cucumber than I showed in an earlier episode. See how to refactor complex scenarios in this episode. (18 minutes)