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Applied Filters: rails x
Episode #238Nov 01, 201081 comments


Mongoid is a polished, high-level Ruby gem for accessing MongoDB. Here I cover installation, adding fields, validations, associations, and keys. (11 minutes)
Syntax Highlighting
Episode #207Mar 29, 201042 comments

Syntax Highlighting

Here I talk about three popular choices for syntax highlighting in Rails: CodeRay, Ultraviolet and Pygments. (9 minutes)
OmniAuth Part 1
Episode #235Oct 11, 2010104 comments

OmniAuth Part 1

OmniAuth is an easy way to add many different authentication services to your app. In this episode we start integrating it with Devise. (10 minutes)
Undo with Paper Trail
Episode #255Feb 28, 201146 comments

Undo with Paper Trail

Undo and redo behavior is easy to add with a versioning gem such as Paper Trail. Learn how to add an undo link to any model's flash message. (13 minutes)
Nested Model Form Part 1
Episode #196Jan 11, 2010184 comments

Nested Model Form Part 1

Handling multiple models in a single form is much easier with the accepts_nested_attributes_for method. See how to use this method to handle nested model fields. (11 minutes)
MetaWhere & MetaSearch
Episode #251Jan 31, 201165 comments

MetaWhere & MetaSearch

MetaWhere provides a way to do complex find conditions without SQL in Active Record. MetaSearch makes it easy to create search forms with many find options. (8 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine
Episode #261Apr 11, 201144 comments

Testing JavaScript with Jasmine

Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery. (15 minutes)
Episode #137Nov 24, 200848 comments


Rails 2.2 is out! In this episode I show how to upgrade Rails and then demonstrate one of the new additions: Memoization. (5 minutes)
Beanstalkd and Stalker
Episode #243Dec 06, 201040 comments

Beanstalkd and Stalker

Beanstalk is a fast and easy way to queue background tasks. Stalker provides a nice wrapper interface for creating these jobs. (9 minutes)
Episode #136Nov 17, 2008114 comments


How do you use jQuery with Rails? In this episode I redo episode #43 using jQuery instead of Prototype/RJS. (9 minutes)