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Advanced Search Form (revised)
Episode #111Nov 17, 201161 comments

Advanced Search Form (revised)

It is often best to use a GET request when submitting a search form, however if it is an advanced search form with a lot of fields then this may not be ideal. Here I show how to create a search resource to handle this. (6 minutes)
Auto-Complete Association (revised)
Episode #102Nov 10, 201176 comments

Auto-Complete Association (revised)

A select menu is often used for setting a belongs_to association, but you should also consider using a text field with autocomple. Here I use jQuery UI and show two different solutions: client side and server side. (9 minutes)
Git on Rails
Episode #96Mar 10, 200872 comments

Git on Rails

Git has been getting a lot of buzz lately, and for good reason. It's an excellent SCM which in many ways is more simple and powerful than subversion. See how to set up a Rails project with Git in this episode. (5 minutes)
Sending HTML Email
Episode #312Jan 02, 201249 comments

Sending HTML Email

HTML email can be difficult to code because any CSS should be made inline. Here I present a few tools for doing this including the premailer-rails3 and roadie gems. (5 minutes)
Rollout and Degrade
Episode #315Jan 09, 201247 comments

Rollout and Degrade

Learn how to use the Rollout gem to deploy a feature to a select group of users and the Degrade gem to automatically disable it upon failure. Also included is a way of doing this from scratch. (13 minutes)
Authentication with Sorcery
Episode #283Sep 12, 201175 comments

Authentication with Sorcery

Sorcery is a full-featured, modular solution to authentication which leaves the controller and view layers up to you. (10 minutes)
Episode #326Feb 21, 201254 comments


ActiveAttr provides what Active Model left out. If you need to create a table-less model with features similar to Active Record, watch this episode. (5 minutes)
Migrations in Rails 2.1
Episode #107May 16, 200838 comments

Migrations in Rails 2.1

Migrations now have a timestamp as their version number in Rails 2.1. In this episode I will explain this change as well as show you some other cool additions. (4 minutes)
ElasticSearch Part 2
Episode #307Dec 12, 201161 comments

ElasticSearch Part 2

This final part on ElasticSearch and Tire will show how to make more complex search queries, customize the indexing, and add facets. (16 minutes)
Authentication from Scratch
Episode #250Jan 24, 2011129 comments

Authentication from Scratch

Password authentication is not too complicated to make from scratch, it will also help to get a better understanding of how it works. (15 minutes)