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Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS
Episode #391Nov 07, 201284 comments

Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS

PhantomJS allows us to test JavaScript without going through a browser window. Here I show how to do this using Capybara and Poltergeist. I also give some tips on handling database transactions and skipping javascript tests. (10 minutes)
Episode #366Jul 18, 201280 comments


Sidekiq allows you to move jobs into the background for asynchronous processing. It uses threads instead of forks so it is much more efficient with memory compared to Resque. (10 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3.1
Episode #282Sep 05, 201153 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3.1

It is incredibly easy to upgrade to Rails 3.1, but if you want to take advantage of the asset pipeline you will need to put in some extra effort. Have no fear because I walk you through each of the necessary steps in this episode. (8 minutes)
Active Record Queries in Rails 3
Episode #202Feb 22, 201071 comments

Active Record Queries in Rails 3

Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes. (10 minutes)
Performing Calculations on Models
Episode #14Apr 04, 200735 comments

Performing Calculations on Models

Did you know ActiveRecord provides class methods for performing calculations on models? You can even use these methods through associations. (2 minutes)
Rails Metal
Episode #150Feb 23, 200944 comments

Rails Metal

Rails Metal is a way to bypass the standard Rails request process for a performance boost. In this episode you will learn how to shave off a few milliseconds using Metal. (9 minutes)
Delayed Job
Episode #171Jul 20, 200975 comments

Delayed Job

Is there a long running task which should be handled in the background? One of the best ways is using the delayed_job plugin like I show in this episode. (10 minutes)
Episode #108May 19, 200869 comments


The named_scope method in Rails 2.1 makes performing finds on models very elegant and convenient. See how in this episode. (11 minutes)
Request Profiling
Episode #98Mar 24, 200835 comments

Request Profiling

You can use profiling to determine where the performance bottlenecks are in specific Rails actions. Watch this episode for details. (10 minutes)
Analyzing the Production Log
Episode #97Mar 17, 200836 comments

Analyzing the Production Log

In order to improve performance of your Rails application you need to find the bottlenecks. A great starting point is your production log. In this episode you will see how to use RAWK to analyze your log file and determine which controller actions take up the most processing time. (5 minutes)