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Charts & Graphs (revised)
Episode #223Sep 15, 2012116 comments

Charts & Graphs (revised)

If you have a lot of data, consider adding a graph to provide an overview of it. Here I show how to use Morris.js to chart an Order model and visualize trends in the data. (12 minutes)
Devise and OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #235Jul 13, 2012134 comments

Devise and OmniAuth (revised)

In this episode I build upon a standard Devise setup and show how to add 3rd party authentication using OmniAuth. This includes support for user validations and is compatible with normal password authentication. (10 minutes)
Passing Data to JavaScript
Episode #324Feb 13, 201277 comments

Passing Data to JavaScript

There are a variety of ways to pass variables from a Rails application to JavaScript. Here I show three techniques: a script tag, a data attribute, and the Gon gem. (6 minutes)
Receiving Email with Mailman
Episode #313Jan 02, 201289 comments

Receiving Email with Mailman

The Mailman gem makes it easy to receive email in a Rails application. Here I show how to write a script to run Mailman in its own process and pull down mail from a POP3 account. (11 minutes)
STI and Polymorphic Associations
Episode #394Nov 25, 201281 comments

STI and Polymorphic Associations

Single Table Inheritance (STI) can help organize branching logic into separate classes, but a polymorphic association may be a better fit if there are unique database columns. (14 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3
Episode #227Aug 16, 201034 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3

Here we finish up this upgrade series by removing all deprecation warnings and fixing some problems in the view. (9 minutes)
PDFs with Prawn (revised)
Episode #153Nov 03, 201182 comments

PDFs with Prawn (revised)

Prawn is an excellent Ruby library for generating PDF documents. Here you will learn how to add it to a Rails application through a separate PDF renderer class. (11 minutes)
Gitting Rails 2.1 RC1
Episode #105May 12, 200848 comments

Gitting Rails 2.1 RC1

Rails 2.1 Release Candidate 1 was just released! In this episode I will show you how to install it into your Rails project. (6 minutes)
Advanced Queries in Rails 3
Episode #215May 24, 201053 comments

Advanced Queries in Rails 3

Learn some advanced techniques regarding named scopes and get an introduction to Arel in this episode. (9 minutes)
Controllers in Rails 3
Episode #224Jul 26, 201048 comments

Controllers in Rails 3

Embedded flash notices, permanent cookies, and the details of respond_with are in this episode. (10 minutes)