#215 Advanced Queries in Rails 3
May 24, 2010 | 9 minutes | Active Record, Rails 3.0
Learn some advanced techniques regarding named scopes and get an introduction to Arel in this episode.
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Thanks for the mention of MetaWhere today! I'm really excited about it and I hope it helps make Rails 3 conditions a lot more powerful and flexible. Continuing on your theme, I've also got a post up at http://metautonomo.us/2010/05/11/activerecord-relation-vs-arel/ that your viewers might be interested in which helps to clarify some of the differences between AR and Arel. It also has a few more nifty tricks you can pull with Arel.
Better late than never!
Thanks Ryan
Rails 3 is very exciting!
I hope to see you at RailsConf 2010, I want to buy you dinner or a least a beer.
This is perfect! Thanks so much Ryan. I was just exploring the topics you covered today. Can't wait to implement what I learned tomorrow!
How could you list the leaves of a node in an acts_as_nested_set model using arel?
The select statement should be something like this
select * from tree where lft = rgt-1
very nice, thanks for such a great post :)
yes, indeed.
Thanks for this episode Ryan, awesome work as usual !
I really like the idea behind MetaWhere except the fact that it extends Symbol so I've created a small wrapper around Arel::Attribute (http://github.com/samleb/sexy_scopes).
I hope you guys will find it useful.
Why does .includes not behave like .joins?
Generates this sql:
INNER JOIN `feed_entry_phrase_correlations` ON `feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`phrase_id` = `phrases`.`id`
(feed_entry_phrase_correlations.created_at > '2010-06-09 16:23:42')
Whereas using .includes:
Generates this sql:
`phrases`.`id` AS t0_r0,
`phrases`.`phrase` AS t0_r1,
`phrases`.`created_at` AS t0_r2,
`phrases`.`updated_at` AS t0_r3,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`id` AS t1_r0,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`feed_entry_id` AS t1_r1,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`phrase_id` AS t1_r2,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`count` AS t1_r3,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`created_at` AS t1_r4,
`feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`updated_at` AS t1_r5
`phrases` LEFT OUTER JOIN `feed_entry_phrase_correlations` ON `feed_entry_phrase_correlations`.`phrase_id` = `phrases`.`id` WHERE (feed_entry_phrase_correlations.created_at > '2010-06-09 16:23:42')
Ok, I now understand why it's using LEFT JOINS. (It has to in case the first model does not appear in the second's table).
Here is the real problem as I see it:
When I place a where clause on an included model, AR stops fetching each model in its own query and combines everything into a big LEFT JOIN monstrosity.
While this works, it is very non-performant when several models are included as I get back many many rows that all need to be aggregated by the ORM. This also requires more network IO.
I've created this Gist to demonstrate what's happening:
I'll send a pizza to anyone who can help me with this.
One more note.
The edge documents here:
4.2 Specifying Conditions on Eager Loaded Associations
Even though Active Record lets you specify conditions on the eager loaded associations just like joins, the recommended way is to use joins instead.
But they don't say how to eager load associations using joins.
There are a way to concat 2 where clauses with OR operator? Like Post.where("name = 'foo'") | Post.where("name = 'bar'") ?
I have the same question as Pioz: Is there a way to use an OR operator with your WHERE clauses?
Yeay for Rainbows and adorable froggy umbrellas! Have a great weekend!
How would I use a custom scope within default_scope?
(if the user is logged in, show inactive stuff if not only the active stuff)
This is what I'm trying to do ...
hope someone can shed some light on this.
Why to_sql function works like this:
.* FROMcomments
IS NULL ORDER BY created_at desc"Comment.includes(:user).to_sql
.* FROMcomments
"in the second example real sql query should differs from result shown by to_sql function
I don`t want to use 'find_by_sql', but currently it is the only way to get ordered relation for pagination. It would be good to use 'last' and 'first' methods.
I have modelname.where(...).union(modelname.where(...))
how i can get something like modelname.where(...).union(modelname.where(...)).order('something')?
I like the new queries much more than in 2.3, I find the chaining functionality the most useful. - thank you
Irrelevant for 3.2.2, rails bug or API change?
In one of my queries I used {:id => nil} for 'id IS NULL'. How to write a similar query for 'id IS NOT NULL' ?
FYI, the & shortcut syntax for merging has been deprecated. Just use .merge instead.
For anyone interested in diving deeper into scopes on associations in Rails, I've written up a post at http://ducktypelabs.com/using-scope-with-associations/
Defining scopes on your associations can come in handy for cleaning your code up and ensuring that business logic stays in one place. I was also motivated to write about it because there have been quite a few situations where I wanted to filter a group of records by given values of association records, for which scopes are useful.