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Applied Filters: rails xRevised Episodes x
Rails Metal (revised)
Episode #150Jan 27, 201245 comments

Rails Metal (revised)

Rails metal may have been removed in Rails 3, but it is possible to bypass the entire Rails stack through middleware as shown in this episode. (6 minutes)
Model Caching (revised)
Episode #115May 13, 2013426 comments

Model Caching (revised)

Caching at a low level is a great option when the view is too dynamic to cache and you need something flexible that can work anywhere in the application. Here I show a variety of ways to use Rails.cache with Active Record. (12 minutes)
Handling Exceptions (revised)
Episode #53Apr 20, 2013209 comments

Handling Exceptions (revised)

By default, Rails will render a static error file when an exception occurs in production. Here you will learn how to fully customize this behavior and render dynamic error pages. (11 minutes)
Custom App Generators (revised)
Episode #148Feb 03, 2013100 comments

Custom App Generators (revised)

Learn how to customize the Rails app generator to fit your preference. This episode shows how to do this using .railsrc file, app templates, app builders, RailsWizard, and AppScrolls. (10 minutes)
Tree-Based Navigation (revised)
Episode #162Dec 01, 201293 comments

Tree-Based Navigation (revised)

If your Rails app is content-heavy, consider organizing it in a tree menu structure. Here I show how to add top-level tabs, nested links in a side bar, and breadcrumbs to go up the hierarchy. (10 minutes)
Calendars (revised)
Episode #213Aug 10, 2012127 comments

Calendars (revised)

Learn how to add a calendar to your Rails app. Whether it be a date picker using jQuery UI or a full page calendar for browsing records, I will show you how to do it in this episode. (9 minutes)
Eager Loading (revised)
Episode #22Mar 20, 2013223 comments

Eager Loading (revised)

One way to improve performance is to reduce the number of database queries through eager loading. Here I demonstrate this and compare the difference between the "includes" and "joins" methods. (7 minutes)
jQuery & Ajax (revised)
Episode #136Sep 28, 2012146 comments

jQuery & Ajax (revised)

Here I go back to the basics and show how to turn a traditional Rails app into one that interacts through Ajax by adding "remote" options, JavaScript templates and a dabble of jQuery. (14 minutes)
Semi-Static Pages (revised)
Episode #117Sep 02, 201270 comments

Semi-Static Pages (revised)

There are many ways to handle static pages in a Rails application. Here I show two approaches including one that uses a RESTful style PagesController to keep the content in the database (8 minutes)
Devise (revised)
Episode #209Jul 06, 201275 comments

Devise (revised)

Devise is one of the most popular authentication plugins for Rails. Here I show how to set it up with a User model and configure the modules, views, routes, and more. (8 minutes)