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Swami Atma's Profile

GitHub User: allesklar

Site: http://tenthousandhours.eu

Comments by Swami Atma


I did not know about Railsdiff. It's fantastic.


TokenInput seems great. It strikes me as a great solution for tags. Any comments on this?


Did you add the CSS stylesheet to the list of assets to precompile in the production environment file?


These videos don't play well in Firefox on my souped up MBP 17". i have to use Safari or Chrome.


But are there any clear instructions on how to do so George? Please see my question on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7867574/rails-3-1-1-http-streaming-with-apache-passenger

I'd appreciate it if you could point me to some good reference.


Exactly and Ryan's pronunciation is ... ahem ... pas tr


If that's the only feature you'd want from acts_as_list it seems a better solution.

ModelName.limit(100).paginate etc...

Good cast Ryan. Any reasons to prefer this over thinking_sphinx?


You should not. You just have the option if it seems worthwhile to you.

Same arguments apply to moving to any higher level language.


Same question. Does the combo Apache/Passenger support treaming?


You gain much speed for the first visit by a user and also the grouping of all js files and all CSS files into one compressed files reduces the number of requests by quite a bit.

A Rails 3 and before app would be quite slow from the viewpoint of the front end user experience and streaming should help a lot.


I think the new design is superior is terms of usability, navigation and a number of other ways.

On the purely aesthetic and artistic level, it's poorer than the previous one and could be so much better.

What would be needed is to keep the same organization and structure but have a pure designer changing the overall look, logo, etc.

BTW I'm also a huge fan of Ryan and his Railscasts so please take it as a constructive criticism.


That was great Ryan. I will implement this gradually to all my projects starting today.


Wonderful Ryan. It's a great idea to revisit old topics showcasing the new improved ways to do things.


It's okay Ryan. Easy episodes once in a while is just fine.

I'm already using Gravatars but I learned a couple things from this cast.