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Michael Romanenko's Profile

GitHub User: perfecto

Site: http://michael.romanenko.kg

Comments by Michael Romanenko


Thanks for great episode, Ryan. I've been struggling with this library, trying to integrate it with Rails, but there were no docs and examples were too messy to understand.

I wonder, is it possible to use jQueryFileUpload in a "new" action of a controller with many nested pictures (good if it would even work with polymorphic associations)?Because, to create a picture under a gallery, it is required to have an id of a parent.. but in a new action a parent is not persisted in db yet and has no id.

A workaround for me was to create a parent model and to put a condition to use file upload only on "edit" action. I also masked "edit" link to "add pictures or edit" for users :-) But, I believe, there are better solutions. Any ideas?


I'm really confused with the idea to send partial HTML each time trough AJAX. The partial itself may become heavy to load, and every time the page loads, header may appear with the unpleasant delay.