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Giang Nguyen's Profile

GitHub User: giangnguyennet

Site: http://giangnguyen.net

Comments by Giang Nguyen


My sample app here, running the Ryan's source downloaded from this episode: http://jquery-upload-giang.herokuapp.com/paintings


The progress bar doesn't seem to finish when file uploaded. I'm trying to upload a single file.


What is the "key" attribute? It's neither a column in Paintings nor attr_accessor but we still can access it with Painting.first.key in the console. Pretty weird to me.


May I have a question: why don't you store card_number and card verification value in database?


Me too got the error message "There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete billing address." but it seems there's no :billing_address option in credit card settings http://activemerchant.rubyforge.org/classes/ActiveMerchant/Billing/CreditCard.html

any ideas?


When I selecting the are to crop, the selected area always be zoomed a bit. How can I fix this? I don't want the zoom effect.


Thanks Ryan, very easy to understand. Do you plan on making an episode on Backbone.js soon?


Can "my_sort_field" be a virtual attributes? I tried but no success. Do you know the way to implement this?


instead of moving sass-rails outside the :assets group, we just need to put 'activeadmin' after that group, does it work?


Is it possible for CarrierWave to generate URL for downloading files from S3 which will expire in certain of time? I'm having difficulty in preventing users from downloading files if some conditions met.