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Orban Botond's Profile

GitHub User: orbanbotond

Site: logicoptimum.com

Comments by Orban Botond


Will these two interfere if m is the same instance but it is used in different partials?

#in _detailed.html.erb
<% cache m do %>
 ... Detailed view...
<% end %>

and then

#in _row.html.erb
<% cache m do %>
 ... row in the list...
<% end %>

Instead of curl -I I advise curl -v. The curl -I could change the server behaviour like in case of grape based apis.


Hi folks, what kind of naming convention do you propose for service objects?

I usually use nouns for class names. I used deverbal nouns for service names like 'ManagerInviter'. But in a review it was told to me to use verb as service names... like 'InviteManager'...

Which one do you propose and why?


In my last deployment I received this:

[Thu Mar 14 03:34:18 2013] [warn] default VirtualHost overlap on port 8080, the first has precedence
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] [Thu Mar 14 03:34:18 2013] [warn] default VirtualHost overlap on port 7001, the first has precedence
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] [Thu Mar 14 03:34:18 2013] [warn] default VirtualHost overlap on port 7000, the first has precedence
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] [Thu Mar 14 03:34:18 2013] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:8443 has no VirtualHosts
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** out :: staging.absolutecommerce.comAddress already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] no listening sockets available, shutting down
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] Unable to open logs
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] Action 'start' failed.
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] The Apache error log may have more information.

** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] fail
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com]
** [out :: staging.absolutecommerce.com] ]

Can anybody tell me how to solve the problem?


I cant' turn on stemming:
If somebody searches for 'Caphs' it should find this too: 'Caph\'s'
Doesn anybody know how to do this?


Hi Jeroen,

You can run your selenium tests on a server without a GUI in background by using a virtual frame buffer called Xvfb. There you will find usage information.
Hopefully I helped you. :)
