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Gitting Rails 2.1 RC1
Episode #105May 12, 200848 comments

Gitting Rails 2.1 RC1

Rails 2.1 Release Candidate 1 was just released! In this episode I will show you how to install it into your Rails project. (6 minutes)
Caching in Rails 2.1
Episode #115Jun 23, 200878 comments

Caching in Rails 2.1

Rails 2.1 brings some new caching features which makes it very easy to cache any values including models. See how in this episode. (8 minutes)
Time Zones in Rails 2.1
Episode #106May 14, 200846 comments

Time Zones in Rails 2.1

In the past, time zones have been very difficult to work with, but no longer! Rails 2.1 brings with it great time zone support as you can see in this episode. (6 minutes)
Migrations in Rails 2.1
Episode #107May 16, 200838 comments

Migrations in Rails 2.1

Migrations now have a timestamp as their version number in Rails 2.1. In this episode I will explain this change as well as show you some other cool additions. (4 minutes)
Gem Dependencies
Episode #110May 23, 200834 comments

Gem Dependencies

In Rails 2.1 we now have the ability to set gem dependencies. Now it's easier than ever to specify which ruby gems our rails app relies on. (6 minutes)
Tracking Attribute Changes
Episode #109May 21, 200847 comments

Tracking Attribute Changes

Rails 2.1 keeps track of the changes you make to a model's attributes. It also allows you to see what the previous value was. But watch out for the gotcha! See this episode for details. (7 minutes)
Episode #108May 19, 200869 comments


The named_scope method in Rails 2.1 makes performing finds on models very elegant and convenient. See how in this episode. (11 minutes)