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Simplify Views with Rails 2.0
Episode #80Nov 18, 200760 comments

Simplify Views with Rails 2.0

Rails 2.0 is almost here. One of the many features in this release is the smarter helper methods which can make your views much cleaner. Learn all about it in this Episode. (6 minutes)
Fixtures in Rails 2.0
Episode #81Nov 25, 200751 comments

Fixtures in Rails 2.0

In Rails 2.0, fixtures see many improvements which makes them much easier to manage. Watch this episode for details. (4 minutes)
Migrations in Rails 2.0
Episode #83Dec 09, 200741 comments

Migrations in Rails 2.0

Migrations are now sexy in Rails 2.0! In this episode we will take a look at these improvements and the related rake tasks. (5 minutes)
Cookie Based Session Store
Episode #84Dec 16, 200738 comments

Cookie Based Session Store

In Rails 1.2 the default session store is file based. This is inefficient and difficult to maintain. In Rails 2.0 the default is now cookie based which has several benefits as you will see in this episode. (4 minutes)
HTTP Basic Authentication
Episode #82Dec 02, 200777 comments

HTTP Basic Authentication

Rails 2.0 offers an extremely easy way to do HTTP basic authentication. See how in this episode. (4 minutes)