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Better Errors & RailsPanel
Episode #402Jan 25, 2013131 comments

Better Errors & RailsPanel

Here we take a look at two tools to aid us in development: Better Errors which makes it easier than ever to debug exceptions, and RailsPanel, a Chrome extension to see Rails requests. (8 minutes)
Debugging Ruby (revised)
Episode #54Apr 07, 201257 comments

Debugging Ruby (revised)

This episode will show you how to debug a rails app using the "debugger" gem: set a breakpoint, inspect variables and change the executed code at runtime. (7 minutes)
The Logger (revised)
Episode #56Apr 13, 201263 comments

The Logger (revised)

The log file will show what is going on behind the scenes of a Rails request. Learn how to log messages, add tags, override formatting, and more. (6 minutes)
Debugging with ruby-debug
Episode #54Jul 06, 200751 comments

Debugging with ruby-debug

This episode will show you how to debug a rails app using ruby-debug: set a breakpoint, inspect variables, change the code and more. (8 minutes)
The Stack Trace
Episode #24Apr 27, 200746 comments

The Stack Trace

The stack trace can be a very useful tool when it comes to debugging. Learn the ins and outs of how the stack trace works in this episode. Note: I am using an older version of the Rails bundle here so it might be a little different than yours. The command in the newer version is called Install Plugin and requires you to type textmate_footnotes in the search. (4 minutes)
The Logger
Episode #56Jul 11, 200732 comments

The Logger

Learn all about the logger in this episode. See how to send messages to the log and how to customize it. (9 minutes)