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Pagination with Kaminari
Episode #254Feb 21, 201191 comments

Pagination with Kaminari

If you need pagination in Rails 3 try out Kaminari. It is a clean, flexible solution which uses scopes to flow nicely with Active Record queries. Did I mention it also works with Mongoid? (8 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS
Episode #391Nov 07, 201284 comments

Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS

PhantomJS allows us to test JavaScript without going through a browser window. Here I show how to do this using Capybara and Poltergeist. I also give some tips on handling database transactions and skipping javascript tests. (10 minutes)
Active Record Reputation System
Episode #364Jul 09, 2012105 comments

Active Record Reputation System

If you need to calculate an average user's rating or sum up a number of votes, consider using the activerecord-reputation-system gem. Here I will cover the basics and also briefly present a from-scratch solution. (10 minutes)
will_paginate (revised)
Episode #51Oct 06, 201146 comments

will_paginate (revised)

Almost every Rails application needs pagination, and will_paginate is a great way to go. Here I show you how to set it up, customize the way it looks, and see how it compares with Kaminari. (6 minutes)
Episode #345Apr 24, 201299 comments


With hstore you can add schema-less data to PostgreSQL. This allows you to store model attributes without creating separate database columns. Watch how to do this using the activerecord-postgres-hstore gem. (10 minutes)
Messaging with Faye
Episode #260Apr 04, 2011117 comments

Messaging with Faye

Faye is a subscription/publishing server which makes it easy to do push notifications within a Rails app. (13 minutes)
Simple OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #241Jun 02, 201291 comments

Simple OmniAuth (revised)

OmniAuth makes it easy to do user authentication through a third party provider such as Twitter or Facebook. Learn a simple approach in this episode. (11 minutes)
Episode #372Aug 09, 201260 comments


Bullet will notify you of database queries that can potentially be improved through eager loading or counter cache column. A variety of notification alerts are supported. (6 minutes)
Episode #354May 30, 201269 comments


Squeel provides a comprehensive DSL for writing SQL queries in Ruby. It is built upon Arel giving you access to many of its powerful features. (9 minutes)
More on Twitter Bootstrap
Episode #329Feb 28, 2012117 comments

More on Twitter Bootstrap

This episode continues on the Twitter Bootstrap project showing how to display flash messages, add form validations with SimpleForm, customize layout with variables, and switch to using Sass. (12 minutes)