#345 Hstore pro
With hstore you can add schema-less data to PostgreSQL. This allows you to store model attributes without creating separate database columns. Watch how to do this using the activerecord-postgres-hstore gem.
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Update February 6, 2013: As of PostgreSQL 9.2.1, the =>
hstore operator is deprecated. You should use the hstore(?, ?)
function instead. The code below has been updated for this.
Update April 26, 2012: It seems in newer versions of the activerecord-postgres-hstore
gem it is necessary to add a serialize
call to the model, like this:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :properties, ActiveRecord::Coders::Hstore # ... end
This also means it is compatible with the store_accessor
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
gem 'activerecord-postgres-hstore'
rails g hstore:setup rails g migration add_properties_to_products properties:hstore rails g migration index_products_properties rake db:migrate rails c
rails console
p = Product.first p.properties = {rating: "PG-13", runtime: 107} p.save! p.reload.properties p.properties.object_id p.properties["runtime"] = 123 p.properties = { ... } Product.where("properties -> 'rating' = 'PG-13'") Product.where("properties -> 'rating' LIKE '%G%'") Product.where("(properties -> 'runtime')::int > 100") Product.where("properties @> hstore('rating', 'PG-13')") Product.has_rating("R")
def up execute "CREATE INDEX products_properties ON products USING GIN(properties)" end def down execute "DROP INDEX products_properties" end
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :category, :price, :description validates_numericality_of :runtime, allow_blank: true %w[author rating runtime].each do |key| attr_accessible key scope "has_#{key}", lambda { |value| where("properties @> hstore(?, ?)", key, value) } define_method(key) do properties && properties[key] end define_method("#{key}=") do |value| self.properties = (properties || {}).merge(key => value) end end end