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Rails 3 Beta and RVM
Episode #200Feb 08, 2010114 comments

Rails 3 Beta and RVM

Get started with Rails 3.0 Beta and install Ruby 1.9.1 using RVM: Ruby Version Manager. Stay tuned to the end for a challenge on giving back to open source. (8 minutes)
Customizing Devise
Episode #210Apr 19, 201074 comments

Customizing Devise

Here we dive deeper into Devise by customizing how the views, routing, validations, and authentication works. (7 minutes)
A/B Testing with A/Bingo
Episode #214May 17, 201052 comments

A/B Testing with A/Bingo

A/B Testing (or Split Testing) is a way to experiment with variations in an application to see the most effective option. (11 minutes)
Action Mailer in Rails 3
Episode #206Mar 22, 201078 comments

Action Mailer in Rails 3

Action Mailer has been rewritten for Rails 3 providing a much cleaner API with its use of the Mail gem. (12 minutes)
Embedded Association
Episode #189Nov 23, 200983 comments

Embedded Association

Learn how to set up a one-to-many or many-to-many association which is entirely embedded into a single column through a string or bitmask. (14 minutes)
Validations in Rails 3
Episode #211Apr 26, 201059 comments

Validations in Rails 3

Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model. (9 minutes)
MongoDB and MongoMapper
Episode #194Dec 28, 200976 comments

MongoDB and MongoMapper

MongoDB is a document based database engine. Learn how to access it through MongoMapper in this episode. (13 minutes)
Formtastic Part 1
Episode #184Oct 19, 200978 comments

Formtastic Part 1

Formtastic is a concise way to generate form views. In this episode (part 1 of 2) I show how to generate both a simple form and a more complex one which is customized with options. (10 minutes)
Episode #160May 04, 2009127 comments


Authentication can get very complex. In this episode I show how Authlogic can handle this complexity while you stay in control of how it is presented to the user. (14 minutes)
Formtastic Part 2
Episode #185Oct 26, 200974 comments

Formtastic Part 2

Learn about some of the more advanced functionality of Formtastic including handling many-to-many associations, required fields, and styling. (9 minutes)