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- Rails 3.1
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Pry with Rails
Pry is an alternative to IRB and sports many great features. Here I show how to integrate it into a Rails app, and how it can aid in debugging.
(8 minutes)
Search with Sunspot
Sunspot makes it easy to do full text searching through Solr. Here I show how to search on various attributes and add facets for filtering the search further.
(10 minutes)
Testing Time & Web Requests
It can be difficult to test code that deals with the current time or an external web request. Here I show you how to do both using the Timecop and FakeWeb gems.
(8 minutes)
If you need to work with geographic data, Geocoder is an excellent gem for converting addresses and coordinates, finding nearby locations, determining distances, and more!
(8 minutes)
Markdown with Redcarpet
Redcarpet is an easy-to-use gem which interprets Markdown. Here I show how to customize it and add syntax highlighting through Pygments and Albino.
(6 minutes)
Resque creates background jobs using Redis. It supports multiple queue and comes with an administration interface for monitoring and managing the queues.
(12 minutes)
Client Side Validations
Showing validation errors inline as the user is filling out the form can lead to a better use experience. Learn how to do this using the Client Side Validations gem.
(8 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine
Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery.
(15 minutes)
Messaging with Faye
Faye is a subscription/publishing server which makes it easy to do push notifications within a Rails app.
(13 minutes)
Decent Exposure
The decent_exposure gem makes it convenient to share controller data with the view through methods instead of instance variables.
(9 minutes)