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Applied Filters: rails xRevised Episodes x
Polymorphic Association (revised)
Episode #154May 19, 201299 comments

Polymorphic Association (revised)

A polymorphic association allows a model to belong_to different types of other models. Here I show how to make a single comment model belong to articles, photos, and events. (11 minutes)
will_paginate (revised)
Episode #51Oct 06, 201146 comments

will_paginate (revised)

Almost every Rails application needs pagination, and will_paginate is a great way to go. Here I show you how to set it up, customize the way it looks, and see how it compares with Kaminari. (6 minutes)
Authentication from Scratch (revised)
Episode #250Feb 25, 2012100 comments

Authentication from Scratch (revised)

Simple password authentication is easy to do with has_secure_password. Here you will learn how to make a complete Sign Up, Log In, and Log Out process as well as restrict access to certain actions. (13 minutes)
Simple OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #241Jun 02, 201291 comments

Simple OmniAuth (revised)

OmniAuth makes it easy to do user authentication through a third party provider such as Twitter or Facebook. Learn a simple approach in this episode. (11 minutes)
Sortable Lists (revised)
Episode #147Oct 13, 2011131 comments

Sortable Lists (revised)

Here I show how to use jQuery UI to make a sortable list and a "sort" action to handle the updating. Top it off with acts_as_list to make it feature complete. (6 minutes)
I18n (revised)
Episode #138Mar 29, 201279 comments

I18n (revised)

Translate a site into other languages through internationalization (I18n). Here I show how to store a locale in the URL and manage translated text through YAML files. (10 minutes)
Capistrano Tasks (revised)
Episode #133Mar 24, 201279 comments

Capistrano Tasks (revised)

Learn the basics of writing Capistrano tasks, how to set variables, and run commands on a remote server. Then peak into the internals of Capistrano's deploy tasks to see how they work. (10 minutes)
HABTM Checkboxes (revised)
Episode #17Dec 22, 201194 comments

HABTM Checkboxes (revised)

A many-to-many association can be edited through check boxes in a form. Here I show how to do this with a has_many through association complete with clickable labels. (6 minutes)
SimpleForm (revised)
Episode #234Mar 03, 201262 comments

SimpleForm (revised)

Easily generate complex forms with SimpleForm. Here I show how to convert bulky markup into a concise list of fields, customize it by passing options, and add error handling. (9 minutes)
Fragment Caching (revised)
Episode #90Feb 18, 201265 comments

Fragment Caching (revised)

If you need to cache a certain section of a page instead of the entire page, fragment caching is the way to go. Learn how caching is stored, how to create auto expiring caches, and more. (9 minutes)