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Active Record Reputation System
Episode #364Jul 09, 2012105 comments

Active Record Reputation System

If you need to calculate an average user's rating or sum up a number of votes, consider using the activerecord-reputation-system gem. Here I will cover the basics and also briefly present a from-scratch solution. (10 minutes)
Exporting CSV and Excel
Episode #362Jul 02, 2012160 comments

Exporting CSV and Excel

As you will see it is easy to add a CSV export option to Rails. Here I also show how to export for Excel in a variety of formats. (6 minutes)
Facebook Authentication
Episode #360Jun 25, 2012196 comments

Facebook Authentication

This will show how to create a new facebook application and configure it. Then add some authentication with the omniauth-facebook gem and top it off with a client-side authentication using the JavaScript SDK. (12 minutes)
Episode #358Jun 15, 201270 comments


The Brakeman gem will scan the Ruby code of a Rails application and alert you to common security vulnerabilities. (8 minutes)
Dangers of Session Hijacking
Episode #356Jun 08, 201282 comments

Dangers of Session Hijacking

If a user's authentication cookie is sent over an insecure connection it is vulnerable to session hijacking, or more specifically, sidejacking. Learn how this is done, and how you can prevent it. (6 minutes)
Episode #354May 30, 201269 comments


Squeel provides a comprehensive DSL for writing SQL queries in Ruby. It is built upon Arel giving you access to many of its powerful features. (9 minutes)
Securing an API
Episode #352May 23, 201274 comments

Securing an API

There are many approaches to locking down an API. Here I start off with HTTP Basic authentication then move on to generating a unique token which can be passed through a URL parameter or HTTP header. (7 minutes)
REST API Versioning
Episode #350May 16, 2012108 comments

REST API Versioning

APIs should be consistent, but it is difficult to do this when returning a JSON response along side the HTML interface. Here I show how to add a versioned, RESTful API. The version can be determined from either the URL or HTTP headers. (10 minutes)
The Rails API Gem
Episode #348May 09, 201274 comments

The Rails API Gem

It is often asked: Is Rails a good fit if I only need to serve an API? In this episode I show how to use the Rails API gem to create a slimmer Rails application designed to respond with JSON. (9 minutes)
Rubber and Amazon EC2
Episode #347May 03, 2012199 comments

Rubber and Amazon EC2

Deploying to Amazon EC2 allows you to scale an application quickly. Learn how to use Rubber to deploy to the cloud with just a few commands and monitor the cluster with various web tools. (17 minutes)