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Ember Part 1
Episode #408Mar 04, 2013161 comments

Ember Part 1

Ember.js is a javascript framework for making rich client-side applications. In the first part of this two part series I show how to setup templates, controllers, and routes. (15 minutes)
Bundler (revised)
Episode #201Mar 16, 201258 comments

Bundler (revised)

Bundler makes it easy to manage Ruby Gem dependencies. Learn how to use it in a Rails application, see what's new in Bundler 1.1, convenient ways to run bundle exec, and how to fix gem compilation issues. (9 minutes)
Wizard Forms with Wicked
Episode #346May 03, 201284 comments

Wizard Forms with Wicked

Creating a wizard form can be tricky in Rails. Learn how Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. (11 minutes)
Episode #338Apr 04, 201267 comments


Rails has great internationalization (I18n) support making it easy to translate static text into other languages, but how do we translate database content? Learn how using Globalize 3 in this episode. (5 minutes)
Rails Engines
Episode #149Feb 16, 200958 comments

Rails Engines

Rails 2.3 brings us much of the same functionality as the Rails Engines plugin. Learn how to embed one application into another in this episode. (8 minutes)
Public Activity
Episode #406Feb 13, 2013155 comments

Public Activity

Learn how to easily add a user activity feed using the public_activity gem. Here I show both the default setup using model callbacks and a manual way to trigger activities. (10 minutes)
Exploring RubyGems
Episode #384Oct 07, 201284 comments

Exploring RubyGems

RubyGems can make it easy to add a feature to a Rails application, but it can also cause headaches down the road. Here I give some tips on researching gems to decide which one to choose, or when to do it from scratch. (7 minutes)
Active Model Serializers
Episode #409Mar 09, 2013139 comments

Active Model Serializers

The ActiveModel::Serializers gem can help you build JSON APIs through serializer objects. This provides a dedicated place to fully customize the JSON output. (10 minutes)
Mercury Editor
Episode #296Nov 07, 2011101 comments

Mercury Editor

Mercury allows you to edit a section of HTML directly in the web browser through a WYSIWYG editor. Here I show how to integrate Mercury into a Rails app and save the changes back to the database. (11 minutes)
Uploading to Amazon S3
Episode #383Sep 26, 2012182 comments

Uploading to Amazon S3

Here I show how to upload files directly to Amazon S3 using CarrierWave Direct and Fog. I then walk through another project which uses jQuery File Upload to handle multiple files and does not use CarrierWave. (14 minutes)