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Screen Scraping with Nokogiri
Episode #190Nov 30, 200962 comments

Screen Scraping with Nokogiri

Screen scraping is easy with Nokogiri and SelectorGadget. (13 minutes)
OpenID with Authlogic
Episode #170Jul 13, 200972 comments

OpenID with Authlogic

Learn how to apply OpenID to an existing Authlogic setup as I show in this episode. This builds upon the app from episode 160. (11 minutes)
Tree Based Navigation
Episode #162May 18, 200970 comments

Tree Based Navigation

The acts_as_tree plugin provides many methods for handling a tree based association. In this episode I show how to build a navigation system with tabs, subpages, and breadcrumbs. (11 minutes)
Sortable Lists
Episode #147Feb 02, 200962 comments

Sortable Lists

Creating drag & drop sortable lists is fairly easy using Prototype and the built in helper methods. See how in this episode. (8 minutes)
Episode #116Jun 30, 200864 comments


Selenium is a great way to test your app automatically through a browser. See how it works in this episode. (9 minutes)
OpenID Authentication
Episode #68Aug 27, 200775 comments

OpenID Authentication

Ever wonder how to implement OpenID authentication in your Rails app? This episode will show you how to add it to a site with an existing authentication system. (11 minutes)
How to Make a Generator
Episode #58Jul 16, 200739 comments

How to Make a Generator

Rails comes with many built-in generators, but what if you want to customize them or make your own? Rails gives you a great way to do this which you will learn in this episode. (11 minutes)